
Friday, October 31, 2003

Happy Dappy Halloween.... everybody.

My costume? I'm a Jedi today, just like last year.

Party tonight at Kristin's. I have to remember to borrow the movie from the library for it.

short list of really good halloween movies to see: Arsenic and Old Lace, The Ghost and Mr. Chicken
shorter list of ok halloween movie to see: Edward Scissorhands
(what can I say? Burton and Elfman are quite the duo)

Time for Mathematica and Calculus homework that was due today.

listen to a shard of Stained Glass
and Third Construction

favorite website of the day: Oak Island on Active Mind

Peace out

Thursday, October 30, 2003

Snow ?!?!?! It wasn't supposed to snow until after all hallow's eve. Oh, well.

Today the OHS drumline just "decided not to show up." Too bad for them. This would've been their last sectional. Their final competition of the season is this saturday. Fun stuff.

No sectional today wasn't all bad, though. It allowed me to go listen to the recording of the concert in the percussion ensemble class, as well as listen to some recordings of pieces Dr. Keipp wants to play next semester. This brings me to the next section of today's entry:

favorite couple of percussion ensemble pieces of the day: 'Stained Glass' and 'Third Construction'

wow. WOW. Those pieces were amazing.

And speaking of music, the concert yesterday at OHS went ok, too. Ms. Bronson, the choir teacher there (who also went with us to Taiwan) invited myself, Cory, and Corey to play for Dry Your Tears, Afrika and another piece. For me it was sight reading... but without music to look at. Fortunately, I'd played Afrika for comencement last year and still knew sorta how it goes. We went out for shakes at Jake's Over the Top afterwards (chocolate mint-oreo), and I got to sleep late. This didn't allow me much time to study for the quiz in CS 3200 this morning, but I still did reasonably ok.

I'm happy for Ben. He's been in such a good mood since he started to get to know Kristi.

Well, Cory's pictures are scanned and burned. Time to start working on the final CD.

favorite mixer of the while: Acoustica's Audio Mixer
favorite web sight of the day: Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD)

$2 lunch at the Institute today was baked potato bar, salad, cider, and twinkie.

I practiced tenors for about 40 min. after lunch.

And now.... I'm just rambling.


Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Well, the halloween cartoon was ok... In fact some parts were hilarious. Like The Cheat's costume. And the video of puppet h* at the end getting all mad. Personally, I think the pumpkin carvnival was the best halloween toon yet.

So I made wind ensemble. Coolness. Looks like I get to go to Reno in the spring.

Some days you just feel run over. Today was one of those days for me. But I guess that's when you just pick up and go on.

Now I need to study about iterators, container classes, functors, and other such nonsense for my C++ class.

Tonight I'll be playing the djembe on "Dry Your Tears, Afrika" w/ OHS's choir. Mr. Jensen promised me a milkshake in return for helping out. Speaking of which, Tasty's was out of doughnuts when I got dinner there last night before the concert. :(

And the concert? Oh, yeah! It was great. I really liked the first of the two Guatemalan folk songs they played. Kenji... wow. Amazing guitar playing.

RHS sounds like they will do the Pirates show. Billy was still thinking of doing an independent line though. I guess we'll see how it all works out.

favorite fanfilm of the day: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Superlaser

Study time.


Tuesday, October 28, 2003

I just spent a few minutes listening to the percussion ensemble run though several Guatemalan folk songs before their concert tonight.
That after I finished with an hour of capoeira up at the gymnasium. Poor my tendons and ligaments. All good, though, because Animado and Macaquinho (sp?) and their friend John came to class today.
And speaking of good things, I had some of the best chocolate milk with my lunch today.
I hope they post the list for Wind Ensemble soon. I'm curious to find out if I made it.

The other while I got what I think was my first ever 100% on a math test. Go calculus.
14 measures so far on Afro-Cuban'd (my rhythm!). [this is the second piece for my winter show]

favorite sb_email.exe of the day: sibbie
favorite fanfilm of the day: DeathStar Repairmen
favorite obscure link of the day: Happy T! - click on the letters

My sister is here at my work now. Say "hi" sis:


Isn't she a nice gal? No, you can't have her number; she's already married.

Yesterday I had to spend the last half of my data structures and algorithms class out in the cold since someone burned their HotPocket (TM) to the ground in the microwave in the tech ed building, causing the fire alarms to go off. Campus Police (TM) response time: approx. 10 minutes. Fire dept. response time: approx. 15 minutes. Good thing no one was actually on fire.

(CAMPUS police!!!)

Well, time for homework and such.


Monday, October 27, 2003

Saturday was our best show yet. Subway sandwiches. Hot chocolate. Yippee!

We started blocking the stage for the Nov. 11 concert today. I hope there's more room on the stage than there was in the band room. One move we tried is just a joke with how much room we had today. Greater Collision Metropolitan Area (kind of like Collision City, but bigger).

Randall and Jordan leave for the MTC on Wednesday. (go Bennett and Becky)
The Jazz and Percussion Ensembles' concert is tomorrow. (definitely going to that)
My sister isn't feeling well. (hope she gets better)
I forgot to talk to Ben after practice today. (whoops!)
Andrew's party on Saturday was a success thanks to two sets of Altec-Lansing speakers. (go splitter)

favorite outfit of the day: not the one I'm wearing (too cold for shorts)
favorite food of the day: ris a la mande (med kirsebaer sovs, tak!)


Friday, October 24, 2003

Trash.... I'm tired. Not enough sleep for many nights in a row will do that to a person.

Played some of our show at the bell tower at noon. There were actually people hanging out there who watched. Nobody really cheered for us though. The cadence (L.A. Fantasia) was pretty clean on the way back. That was at least good.

My mouth.... sheesh. Sometimes it really does go faster than my brain.

I'm now in on my friend's blog he created specifically for his pals to post comments about movies/tunes/games that he'll miss during the next 2 years while he's on his mission.

I wrote more of my winterline show the other while. T.G.S. Afro-Cuban style.

Where, oh where is Ed? I have a note someone left for him here.

I decided I really like eggnog. My mouth tastes like Christmas for the whole day when I have some for b'fast. Good stuff, that.

Not going to homecoming then. Maybe I'll go out to my sisters and watch a movie instead. [No cake?!? I was lied to! Maybe I won't go after all.]

Ever blog instead of doing homework? Not cool. Especially when I'm trying to get up to a 3.92 GPA to make the cut for academic scholarships. Which reminds me - I'll have to check up on the tuition waiver that I'm supposed to be getting here. If it doesn't go through soon, I won't be able to pay for next semester.

favorite fanfilm of the day: How the Sith Stole Chrismas: Jingle Far, Far Away
favorite composer of the day: John Williams (see favorite fanfilm above)
favorite book of the day: I, Robot by Asimov
favorite tune of the day: Scherzo for Motorcycle and Orchestra by Williams
favorite phrase of the day: "This requires an exact drawing" -Randall Bird [I miss that class]
favorite food of the day: fries from Central Park [so good]

mmmmm.... I could go for some of thems right about now. But all I have here at work is frosted shredded mini-wheat things.


Thursday, October 23, 2003

I'm at work and I'm still wearing my capoeira pants. This happened because I didn't have time to change between now and going by Ogden high for drumline. Oh, the pants? Well, the capoeira club here on campus was being interviewed by the Signpost (campus newspaper), so before drumline I was there doing that, and didn't have time to change in between those two activities either.
So the girl I asked to homecoming can't go. Well, it was kind of just on a whim that I asked her anyways (I didn't even know her last name and had never said more than 5 words to her before). Those are the breaks. Maybe I'll ask someone to the WSU Jazz and Percussion Ensembles' combined concert next tuesday. I sat in on one of the perc. ensemble's rehearsals. They are playing some way groovy pieces.

Today I was also working more on the winter drumline show I'm writing. I have most of the opener written, and now most of the intro to the second song is down. The songs I'm doing are arrangements of background and theme music from h*r. I had alternately considered doing something based on the TRON soundtrack. Maybe that'll be my next show I write..... Maybe.

Billy and me were thinking of doing an independent drumline too, if Roy and Ogden both don't have lines this year. But where to get drums from? That is the question.

I liked starwars.com a lot better the way it used to be. The main page is way too cluttered now, and they haven't changed the rest of the site to match (styleistically incohesive). Their loss.

favorite tune of the day: Phil Collins - Wake Up Call
favorite book of the while: Robot Dreams by Isaac Asimov
favorite website of the day: the-underdogs.org
favorite sound of the while: p < ff roll on a large gong w/ matching gong mallets
favorite fanfilm of the day: Art of the Saber
favorite beverage of the day: ananas sodavand
favorite favorite of the day: favorite beverage

Well..... so, sue me for random.


Wednesday, October 22, 2003

You want to see some of the things my band director has said?

Go to The Root Cellar

ok... check this out: copyrighting technologies

This really burns me up. I also heard that people were trying to copyright functionality like having the main menu-type button for an OS in the lower left corner of the screen. Well, pardon my caps, but YOU CAN'T COPYRIGHT FUNCTIONALITY!!!! ONLY IMPLEMENTATION!!!! That's like Ford trying to copyright the concept of the automobile rather than specific designs. I know there's got to be a line drawn between what can and can't be copyrighted, but if this is the case, I'll just copyright the little 'c' in a circle symbol that stands for copyright and then if anyone wants to copyright anything they'll have to pay royalties to me for telling everybody else that "their" idea is copyrighted [idea for copyrighting the copyright symbol (c)2003 Jon Anderson. All (and I mean ALL) rights reserved, so pay up.]

new favorite website of the day: Shutterline.com - photo of the day page
new favorite tune of the day: Coldplay - Clocks (at least the first part... which is also the rest of it) catchy, I just wish they'd written the rest of the song instead of playing the intro the whole time.

Well, since this blog is just getting started I may as well give a little background information on myself. I'm into computers and music. I'm a student at Weber State University in Ogden, Utah. I play capoeira, and I play tenors in the WSU marching band (hence the title of everybody's favorite [this] blog).
Ok, you want to see my idea of humor? Then visit my dangelsk web sight.
Likes and dislikes? Ok, likes first:
music (playing and listening), computers (programming, gaming, surfing), the USA, Denmark, Homestar Runner, linux (ok, so I don't have a computer to run my distro of Mandrake 9.1 on yet, but I will soon), thinkgeek.com, the rubix cube, spinning, hiking, lazer tag, cooking, learning to play the guitar and piano, going on dates, lds.org (the official website of my church), my job, the money from working at my job, not being in debt (except I still owe my parents some money for a bike purchased when I was in high school), star wars, Tolkein, taking pictures, Taiwan, instructing high school drumlines (Roy last year, and Ogden this year), star wars fan films, etc.

turn signals on cars that are red instead of amber [I mean, when I see a light start flashing on a car, I shouldn't have to check the other side of the car to know if the driver is going to change lanes or if they are tapping on their brakes repeatedly... and what if I can't SEE the other side of the car very well? ], being blind to my personal weaknesses, capsaicin, hectic schedules, computer problems, computer user problems, tomato soup, when my car won't start or runs out of gas, when my mouth goes faster than my brain, freezing up in a roda, not having enough time to do everything I need and want to, etc.

Well, that's about enough for now. I have homework to do, namely: a Mathematica lab for my Calculus class, and a daily write-up for my networking class. I'll also maybe be scanning in the rest of Cory's pictures from the band trip to Former-osa (get it? Former-osa?... Former...nevermind). I'm (re-)making a CD with a slideshow on it of pictures snapped on the trip. Maybe I'll get that done before Christmas. That'd be nice.


Tuesday, October 21, 2003

So... on to the (somewhat) more interesting stuff. Now I'm at home on my 486 running '95. What a box. And it's sitting so that our treadmill is about a foot away from the keyboard - not enough room for a chair, so I'm kneeling sideways. I knew you all wanted to know all about my blogging set-up.
My car wouldn't start today for quite a while.
I asked a girl in my institute class to the homecoming dance today. She said she wasn't sure and would let me know on thursday.
My mom just asked me if blogging was more fun than eating (dinner's on the table, and yes, I still live at home). Sounds like a hint that I should go and show some appreciation for her hard work in preparing the feast. And she is a good cook. If she cooked more often and I was home for dinner more often I would really be fat.... hmm... like I used to be when those conditions occurred more often.

favorite new tune: Invention (a percussion ensemble piece)
favorite latest phrase: That's just out of hand.

Ok, later.

My first blog. How touching. If this material isn't interesting, I don't know what is. So I'm actually at work right now, and I'm supposed to be leaving now so....
I don't have time to write anything more. Try back later.

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