
Thursday, October 30, 2003

Snow ?!?!?! It wasn't supposed to snow until after all hallow's eve. Oh, well.

Today the OHS drumline just "decided not to show up." Too bad for them. This would've been their last sectional. Their final competition of the season is this saturday. Fun stuff.

No sectional today wasn't all bad, though. It allowed me to go listen to the recording of the concert in the percussion ensemble class, as well as listen to some recordings of pieces Dr. Keipp wants to play next semester. This brings me to the next section of today's entry:

favorite couple of percussion ensemble pieces of the day: 'Stained Glass' and 'Third Construction'

wow. WOW. Those pieces were amazing.

And speaking of music, the concert yesterday at OHS went ok, too. Ms. Bronson, the choir teacher there (who also went with us to Taiwan) invited myself, Cory, and Corey to play for Dry Your Tears, Afrika and another piece. For me it was sight reading... but without music to look at. Fortunately, I'd played Afrika for comencement last year and still knew sorta how it goes. We went out for shakes at Jake's Over the Top afterwards (chocolate mint-oreo), and I got to sleep late. This didn't allow me much time to study for the quiz in CS 3200 this morning, but I still did reasonably ok.

I'm happy for Ben. He's been in such a good mood since he started to get to know Kristi.

Well, Cory's pictures are scanned and burned. Time to start working on the final CD.

favorite mixer of the while: Acoustica's Audio Mixer
favorite web sight of the day: Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD)

$2 lunch at the Institute today was baked potato bar, salad, cider, and twinkie.

I practiced tenors for about 40 min. after lunch.

And now.... I'm just rambling.


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