
Saturday, November 29, 2003

So the car passed safety inspection... :)
and failed the emissions inspection. :(

Today, I'm going to try to get that fixed, since the registration expires tomorrow.

Today is a day for VoIP, LOTRisk, and cleaning my bathroom.

Jed Aye Minetriq Independent Drumline auditions are on Tuesday at 6:30 pm in the band room.

The first song was done, then I decided to add another 4 measures.

There will be the sweetest little bass run/snare duet in the second song.

Time for me to go call Norm again. (He didn't answer, and on a saturday morning, I can't blame him.)

I hope I go climbing soon.


Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Well. I haven't posted anything for a whiles, so here goes.

The Browning Center has been full of strange looking miniature people all day. (They have been doing dress rehearsal for the Nutcracker Ballet.) Turkey-Day break tomorrow.

Thank you for watching "9/10 of a Semester of Daydreaming." Coming up next on REALITY: Cramming and Finals: A Horror Mini-Series.

This morning I went and finished my fourth major program for CS 3200. There must be some problem with my default destructor in my btree class (binary tree). The program executes right down to the last line of code. Then it explodes. I even tried writing a destructor. Same nonsense. But the instructor couldn't find out what was wrong with it, so he said he wouldn't mark me down for it. Yippee!!

Which reminds me, you can't squash soup, but the soup I had for lunch today sure was some of the better soup I've eaten. And.... tada! Eggnog for breakfast - again. Sometimes I feel guilty for enjoying life so much, but that's what eggnog is here for: to drink. Enjoying eggnog is just fine. If I didn't enjoy it I would be ungreatful since it is, after all, available to me.

Speaking of Christmas, I was thinking of hanging up a sign here in the lab that says: "Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Hanukkah, and for all you atheists out there, have a really nice day."

Well, I should break down and buy the syllabus for my networking class so I can actually get started on my term paper. It is due next week,... which is also the last week of class. But I am relieved to have all the work done (aside from studying for the finals) in my other two "real" classes.

And I don't recall if I mentioned it yet, but in registering for next semester, I am clappy as a ham since my first class of the day is at 10 am, and I even was able to swing taking Wind Ensemble and Percussion Ensemble. Suite deal. (pun fully intended)

funny site of the day: Web Fire Escape
tune of the day: The Imperial March - John Williams
favorite thing to be excited about of the day: the Reno trip
projects of the while: Taiwan CD, Jed Aye Minetriq Independent Drumline, mustering courage
funny blog of the while: Strong Sad's Journal
other funny site of the day: Strong Bad's Web Page
really quite funny quote of the day: "Warning: Computers will not make your life easier. And putting toast inside your computer is a stupid idea."


Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Current circumstances necessitate nothing less than a blog.

These circumstances include the fact that today I was reminded in a severe manner of the attractive quality of a smile. Also, I'm sitting here waiting for a 7+ MB print job to meander its way through the network to the printer. (We never used to have this problem!!)

The print job is 3 copies of the oh-so-nearly-completed Introduction and Improvement (the first song for the JAM Independent Drumline), as well as the first two pages of the TGS adaptation, and the warm-up - Panama - that I wrote to the tune of Porgy and Bess by Gershwin.

As soon as all this nonsense completes itself, I'll be collecting my belongings and heading over to the Ice Sheet (via the Browning Center) to do a little skating. I sure hope someone can give me a ride home after, since my sis took the auto to go visit Kathryn and Amy.

Well, Ben, your blogs keep getting funnier and funnier.

favorite handle of the day: LibLab - ... - Europe it is then.

If my posterity years from now happens to read this, just remember: this thing was actually written by a roomfull of an infinite number of monkeys. For Shakespeare, see my other blog.


Saturday, November 15, 2003

What a memorable day. Two significant things happened.

The first is that at 1PM, we had our last home game of the season, which also means the final performance for the marching band this year. The band banquet I believe will be next week. The show went pretty well, although the field was pretty muddy. I could have played better, but it wasn't bad on the whole. My parents came and watched. I think the high point of the season, however is definitely the concert we did on the 11th with the symphonic band. I think that was the best played show, and it was definitely the funnest for me personally.

And the second significant occurrance today? Well, I had to write a binary tree creation and traversal program for my data structures and algorithms class, and it worked the first time. I did get errors, which made it so the program wouldn't compile at first, but that happens with every program except "hello world." The significance is that when it finally did compile, it worked perfectly the first time. Usually, along with trying to work out compiler errors (which you have to if you want the thing to run even once so that you can see whether or not it performs the desired task), you have to spend time testing to see if every feature of the program works correctly, and I think not since writing hello world about 8 or 9 years ago have I had a program work right off the bat like that. I just hammered it out and it worked. No going back and changing things. No wondering WHY IS IT TRYING TO ACCESS MEMORY THAT CANNOT BE REFERENCED WHEN IT SHOULD'VE THROWN AN EXCEPTION?!?!?!?!?

It JUST WORKED. < yay >

Ok, so maybe I'm a little excited about adding 20, 4, 7, 23, 6, 24, and 21 to a binary tree and having the screen print out
when I call the NLR traversal function, but hey! - that's what we geeks GET excited about.

ok, so....
favorite movie of the while: Sun Vally Serenade
favorite tune of the while: In The House of Stone and Light - Martin Page
favorite piece of the while (to play): Star Wars [go Wind Ensemble!]
favorite thing to think about of the time: the Reno trip this spring

Well, I'm going to Dave's BBQ. We'll see how this here goes. < thinking of PCM >
(you know what I mean Ben)


Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Here we go once again with the blog.

To start things off, since I'm sitting here by the TV and there are 2 of these right here:

some favorite movies: The Incredible Adventures of Wallace & Grommit, Sun Valley Serenade, Finding Nemo

and my beverage of the day (since I just had a glass): eggnog (I know, you're probably thinking, "Hey! He already had that on here!" But it's just that good.)

Well, I usually blog from work instead of home, but since I forgot to write about this when I was there today.... here I am.

Last night was the combined concert for the WSU Symphonic and Marching Bands. What a concert. The music was great, and I think that was about the most fun I've had playing our show indoors. During the middle of it where the tenors march in front of the snares while facing them rather than the audience I just couldn't resist and had to make a funny face at them as I usually had done during practice. It made them all mad at me since they were trying to keep a straight face during the performance. Actually, they were only 1/2 mad. The visuals all went well, and I didn't mess up really badly ever. Good times.

After the concert the good Doctor bought everybody pizza at the Pie. Now that was a real treat. All my friends were there. Good times times two. Diego gave me a ride home, and then I stayed up past midnight studying for my calculus test.

Then. Today. The test. I think not a single person finished the test. I didn't get to the last question, and the question about periodicity and such I had to rush through to even get that done before time ran out.
I really think the curve is going to have the A range be something like 80-100. Just too much for even people who know how to do the problems. Grrr. C'est la matematique. ...er.... vie. Something.

favorite program of the day: Photodex's CompuPic Pro

Time for study and sleep.

Piece (of deep-dish pizza-pie).

Just sitting here in my Level 2 Lab Aide training session - Day 3/4. Current topic - CD Burning.

I just made a nice little notepad-blog for my notes to my self. Technology occasionally rocks.

More later (maybe).


Saturday, November 08, 2003

link of the day: invention... and some music library

phrase of the evening: "Coincidence? We think not."

I really hope not.


P.S. Det's henvis-ing to tilfaeldig run-ins i library-en paa Saturdays.

Convoluted? We think not.

Thursday, November 06, 2003

Well, tomorrow I don't have class until 10 AM. That will be nice. I will probably come to school and sleep for a while and then finish my Mathematica assignment that I'm bound not to finish here at work tonight.

tune of the time: They Might Be Giants - Women and Men
beverage of the while: water
sport of the year: bowling

items on my Christmas wish list: a nice hat... just a nice baseball cap that looks good on me, code poet T, tux and/or timmy hoodie, CDs: The Moody Blues - Strange Times; Maynard - This is Jazz 16; Bela Fleck - Outbound; Bob Marley - Survivor; Eric Clapton - Unplugged; John Williams - full scores for all 3 OT Star Wars films; The Gas House Gang - A Little Night Music; Buddy Holly - Greatest Hits; Simon & Garfunkel - Greatest Hits

if you have any suggestions of albums you like or think that I would like, email them to me at s t e n _ p a a [at] h o t m a i l [dot] c o m

And in case you were wondering, I only like good music, so if you're thinking of suggesting that I listen to some dance or rap or heavy metal or gregorian chants or boy bands, maybe instead of sending the email to me, email it to yourself, because then you'll be like - "hey! someone sent me a list of suggestions of what's good to listen to and it's JUST what I like" - won't that be nice for you? Try that.


Monday, November 03, 2003

favorite websites of the day:

fun stuff. and strange.

Indoor rehearsal today.

Not much else.


Saturday, November 01, 2003

This morning I had to be up early for to go with the OHS marching band to the U of U competition. It snowed from the time I left my house until... well, now. The pit instruments were all severely dampened due to the snow that was upon them. Two different people lost their grip on the concert bass mallet when they went to play. Fun stuff. It was maybe not their best show ever, but it was definitely the funnest to watch. 'Specially the pit. We left right after we played, stopped at Wendy's for sustenance on the way back, and then unloaded at the school.

After that I came here to WSU and finished my circularly linked list program for Monday. Then I called home, and went to the Browning Center to work on the show. I decided to call the show FreeCountry, USA. The opener is called Introduction and Improvement. The second piece is called Afro-Cuban'd (My Rhythm). I'll probably do something with the Ballad of The Sneak as well. And the neverending soda music. Well, at least for right now I'm going to try to finish the first two pieces so that I have something stable to build off of.

You know who does funny links on his blog? You don't? Well I'll tell you who. Ben. That's who.

Now it's time to work on my third (of four) major programs for CS 3200.

Note to self: Make up an information kit to hand out to the winterline with important information about the line.... and the show... and stuff.

The End (...or is it?)

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