
Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Well. I haven't posted anything for a whiles, so here goes.

The Browning Center has been full of strange looking miniature people all day. (They have been doing dress rehearsal for the Nutcracker Ballet.) Turkey-Day break tomorrow.

Thank you for watching "9/10 of a Semester of Daydreaming." Coming up next on REALITY: Cramming and Finals: A Horror Mini-Series.

This morning I went and finished my fourth major program for CS 3200. There must be some problem with my default destructor in my btree class (binary tree). The program executes right down to the last line of code. Then it explodes. I even tried writing a destructor. Same nonsense. But the instructor couldn't find out what was wrong with it, so he said he wouldn't mark me down for it. Yippee!!

Which reminds me, you can't squash soup, but the soup I had for lunch today sure was some of the better soup I've eaten. And.... tada! Eggnog for breakfast - again. Sometimes I feel guilty for enjoying life so much, but that's what eggnog is here for: to drink. Enjoying eggnog is just fine. If I didn't enjoy it I would be ungreatful since it is, after all, available to me.

Speaking of Christmas, I was thinking of hanging up a sign here in the lab that says: "Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Hanukkah, and for all you atheists out there, have a really nice day."

Well, I should break down and buy the syllabus for my networking class so I can actually get started on my term paper. It is due next week,... which is also the last week of class. But I am relieved to have all the work done (aside from studying for the finals) in my other two "real" classes.

And I don't recall if I mentioned it yet, but in registering for next semester, I am clappy as a ham since my first class of the day is at 10 am, and I even was able to swing taking Wind Ensemble and Percussion Ensemble. Suite deal. (pun fully intended)

funny site of the day: Web Fire Escape
tune of the day: The Imperial March - John Williams
favorite thing to be excited about of the day: the Reno trip
projects of the while: Taiwan CD, Jed Aye Minetriq Independent Drumline, mustering courage
funny blog of the while: Strong Sad's Journal
other funny site of the day: Strong Bad's Web Page
really quite funny quote of the day: "Warning: Computers will not make your life easier. And putting toast inside your computer is a stupid idea."


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