
Saturday, November 15, 2003

What a memorable day. Two significant things happened.

The first is that at 1PM, we had our last home game of the season, which also means the final performance for the marching band this year. The band banquet I believe will be next week. The show went pretty well, although the field was pretty muddy. I could have played better, but it wasn't bad on the whole. My parents came and watched. I think the high point of the season, however is definitely the concert we did on the 11th with the symphonic band. I think that was the best played show, and it was definitely the funnest for me personally.

And the second significant occurrance today? Well, I had to write a binary tree creation and traversal program for my data structures and algorithms class, and it worked the first time. I did get errors, which made it so the program wouldn't compile at first, but that happens with every program except "hello world." The significance is that when it finally did compile, it worked perfectly the first time. Usually, along with trying to work out compiler errors (which you have to if you want the thing to run even once so that you can see whether or not it performs the desired task), you have to spend time testing to see if every feature of the program works correctly, and I think not since writing hello world about 8 or 9 years ago have I had a program work right off the bat like that. I just hammered it out and it worked. No going back and changing things. No wondering WHY IS IT TRYING TO ACCESS MEMORY THAT CANNOT BE REFERENCED WHEN IT SHOULD'VE THROWN AN EXCEPTION?!?!?!?!?

It JUST WORKED. < yay >

Ok, so maybe I'm a little excited about adding 20, 4, 7, 23, 6, 24, and 21 to a binary tree and having the screen print out
when I call the NLR traversal function, but hey! - that's what we geeks GET excited about.

ok, so....
favorite movie of the while: Sun Vally Serenade
favorite tune of the while: In The House of Stone and Light - Martin Page
favorite piece of the while (to play): Star Wars [go Wind Ensemble!]
favorite thing to think about of the time: the Reno trip this spring

Well, I'm going to Dave's BBQ. We'll see how this here goes. < thinking of PCM >
(you know what I mean Ben)


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