
Tuesday, October 26, 2004

It's ok - I have long feet. 

Did you know that the star of The Phone Call (BYU, 1977) played Jimmy Olsen in the Christopher Reeve Superman movies? I didn't. Now I do.

movie quote of the day:
Scott: Can I walk you home?
Becky: It's a long way.
Scott: It's ok - I have long feet.

I love old movies. Isn't it great that somethings are instant classics for all time? They need to make more movies like they used to. When's the last time you saw a movie that had as solid a plot as something like one of the old Humphrey Bogart movies, or as unique and tripped-out as Wizard of Oz or Alice in Wonderland?

song of the day: Pageant (what fun percussion parts - perhaps if I practiced it would be even more fun)

Just for fun we carved pumpkins yesternight and watched the Pumpkin Carv-nival and ate pumpkin pie and thought the word "pumpkin" repeatedly. Except for the last part there. That would've been kinda weird.

Ok, so now I'm going to study and you, reader, can go do whatever you were supposed to be doing.

Saturday, October 23, 2004


The team got scared today of the other team. And we played our show on sodden sod.

Luther Heggs is BJ's and my hero.

Time for to finish my homework.

I finished Evidence (by Isaac Asmivov).

..."everything's gonna be all right"...

And yes, I will get enough sleep tonight.

The place I stood a week ago
Now lies blanketed in snow
In grip of frost until the Spring
When once again the mountains sing.

The recent swing in the weather makes me look back with the more fond remembrance on summer past - appreciating the nice weather the more for the contrast. Yet even the chill of this time of year is quietly hopeful in its anticipation of a future Spring.

Ok, so even though I'm swamped with homework I still manage sound like I have too much time on my hands. How ironic. And speaking of ironic, I should iron my shirts.

Pausing from random,


Thursday, October 21, 2004

I Hope 

Among other things, for rain tomorrow.

thoughtful quote of the day: "[God] has infinite attention to spare for each one of us. He does not have to deal with us in the mass. You are as much alone with Him as if you were the only being He had ever created. When Christ died, He died for you individually just as much as if you had been the only man [or woman] in the world."
- C.S. Lewis in Mere Christianity

(to the tune of "Happy Birthday")
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday dear the_myblog.
Happy Birthday to you.

And many more on Channel 4.


Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Like the sound of a broken record 

My apartment looks upside down from there
Water spirals the wrong way out the sink

Conundrums. And speaking of drums, a good rehearsal today for marching band. We actually got two run-throughs in a row. That is the part about marching band that I like - playing through the complete show and just pouring everything into it. Running through the same set on the field under the sun is not the greatest feeling in the world. But performing is close.

And speaking of close, it's getting close to a very special birthday. If you guessed that it's the birthday of my blog tomorrow, then you are right. It'll be one year old.

Ben, you may not like metacognition, but sometimes it's the only thing that keeps me going in the right direction. Especially since when it rains, it it really does pour. But the good thing about the rain is the indoor rehearsal.

Well, I hope that we can get done with Dave's web-puzzle (project). Right now I'm going to try to get it to be web based.

Keep breathing. Because tomorrow the sun will come up. And who knows what the tide will bring in? Roughly quoted. Fully felt. But that's just how things go when a project takes till the middle of the night to finish. Just keep swimming.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

You may ask, how did this tradition get started?  

word of the day: dexterity (this happens to be the cool link of the day as well)

song of the day: Dreams by the Cranberries

yay of the day: 2 slices!

So far today has been... today. Hmm. I can't imagine what it would be like if it suddenly weren't. Anywho, I hardly had any classes today. My first and third were canceled, leaving only a guest lecture in the second which I mostly ignored.

Ben just cheered up my otherwise drab at-work experience. I haven't seen it yet, but all he had to do was tell me that in this last email electric boots were purchased off the internet and that was enough. Actually he told me all about the easter eggs and the ending, too. Well, speaking of drab, I'm going to delude myself that homework is fun and do some here in a little bit.

So.... bye.

P.S. Updated Hof post

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Nobody here but us chickens 

band of the day: U2
song of the last night: The Lion Sleeps Tonight
lunch of the day: Joe's Last Sandwich
cool thing of the day: Real Myst (very nicely done)

The design of the drumline T-shirts is done. My locker is redecorated. My homework is not done. Hey, 2 out of 3 ain't bad.

Thinking happy thoughts...........................

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Sand Dollar 

I sure hope Ben comes to visit me here at work when he gets done playing for Jazz in the Skyroom. Then maybe we can work more on our one word post over at the band blog. I'm currently trying to figure out how to solve the rubic's cube into a different pattern. It is one of only two patterns that I know of where there is no spot on the cube where two directly adjacent (diagonal doesn't count) squares are the same color. The first is, of course, the checkerboard pattern.

Looks like I have to buckle down and finish memorizing the last piece for marching band. I have the first part of it learned. :) We finished setting our last set today. It's about time. No game this Saturday or next. This is good because then we can perform our whole show the Saturday following, and also because that frees up time to do other fun stuff - like watching people die while I eat food. That should be great fun. Which reminds me.........

Reminder to self of stuff, and stuff.

song stuck in my head of the day: Ross' Concert
quote of the Gen. Conf.: I am grateful to be able to say that in our long life together I cannot remember a serious quarrel. - Pres. Hinckley (talk about personal heroes/role models)
movie quote of the day: [Jane Porter:] And Daddy... they took my boot!
movie of the New Year's Eve: After the Thin Man
events of the day: Updating my blog template, solving the Rubic's Cube in 2:19 as well as solving it into the messed up checkerboard variant.

I hate it when this happens. They should make it less easy to accidently log out of the wildcard tracking computer here in the lab. It's a pain to log into it again.

That was cool of Cory to throw a Spiderman party. I think I would've liked the movie less if we hadn't been making so much fun of it towards the end where Peter Parker tells MJ that he can only be friends (after that nice speech he gave her in Aunt May's hostpital room, too!) It was just so funny to see MJ put her hand on his face and then not have it there when the camera cuts to a different angle and then have it back when the angle changes again. We were imagining that her hand was glued there and then she managed finally to rip it away, only to slap him later on. But he's such a buff superhero type that he didn't even wince at the blow. We'll be using the cardboard promotionals for backdrops in the show this winter. Yay.

We also found out that twizzlers tossed at a ceiling fan on its highest setting are hilarious if not lethal. My aim got pretty good, surprisingly (surprising for the people I was aiming at).

Ok, now I really do have to go do my homework or I'll end up paying for it later on.


Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Write the blog circadian 

Since I haven't posted here for a while, I thought I should. I read up a bit on PHP today. Looks cool. I need a honey pot to install PHP and Apache server on. At least that's what it would end up being if I were to set up a web server with my current knowledge. But with how much I know, it may not even make it that far. I'm lucky to know which end of the tower goes up.

Ok, so I'm a Preston, ID geek it seems. A couple weeks before I saw Napoleon Dynamite I was trying to kick a tetherball and failing miserably. And I used to own boots exactly like that. And in elementary I'm sorry to say that my jeans were not worn as loose and baggy as I wear them now. But the tetherball thing was recent, which is both funny and scary. And speaking of geeks, all the CS professors have agreed to let students throw pie at them in a few days. Free to ACM members, $2 for civilians. I'm thinking it will be wiser to pie my past professors rather than the ones who still hold sway over my GPA. Yeah.

< geek > Ben, did you realize that our blogs' birthdays are coming up? They'll soon be one year old. How cute they are still at this age. When they get to be teens they just drive you crazy. Then they grow up and move out (get published in book form) and start making money and you're just so proud of them and how they turned out after all. < /geek >

I'm currently taking a break from studying about deadlocks (definitely not to be confused with spinlocks) here at the stick.

Andrew, google "ebay sniping" and you too can learn how to snipe. Then you can get good deals instead of having them stolen from under your nose. People probably use the same programs you can find with this search rather than doing the sniping manually. Yeah, it's not fair, but that's exactly why you have to play by the unfair bullies' rules. Then you can still play in the sandbox with the other buyers without getting your castle trashed. You can even put M-80's in their sand castle once in a while. Have fun. :)

Ok, so I'm finally (1/3 of the way into the semester) getting back into the swing of school again. If only I could recall my good study habits that I had to outsource at the end of last semester rather than training new hires each fall. At least the ones from fall sometimes stay on for the spring semester. Good habits are so hard to find. Maybe I'll use monster.com to search for them, eh? :)

song of the day: Two Princes by Spin Doctors (speaking of spinlocks)
song of BJ's day: Man It's So Loud in Here by TMBG
song of the rehearsal: In Memorium (bowing vibes is always fun)
song of the South: I'll have to watch that one sometime

I actually got around to starting to watch Tarzan yesterday. That after my first time ever eating at Fazoli's. They have pretty good breadsticks there. And by pretty good I mean free. But yeah, they also tasted good. And the Italian style pizza was not 1/2 bad either.

favorite food I didn't get to eat today: scones/frybread w/ my grandma's homemade strawberry jam. If you haven't had this, your life is, I am sorry to inform you, far from complete. The same jam gracing her homemade rolls is the other of life's twin consumate culinary experiences. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

As I have nothing further at present other than to say that the devotional was good today, UNO was fun, and I'm looking oh so forward to Let's Go Bowling on friday, I'll sign off now. Bill Nye style.

Well, that's our post. Thanks for reading. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some serious learning curves to ascend. See ya!

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