
Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Sand Dollar 

I sure hope Ben comes to visit me here at work when he gets done playing for Jazz in the Skyroom. Then maybe we can work more on our one word post over at the band blog. I'm currently trying to figure out how to solve the rubic's cube into a different pattern. It is one of only two patterns that I know of where there is no spot on the cube where two directly adjacent (diagonal doesn't count) squares are the same color. The first is, of course, the checkerboard pattern.

Looks like I have to buckle down and finish memorizing the last piece for marching band. I have the first part of it learned. :) We finished setting our last set today. It's about time. No game this Saturday or next. This is good because then we can perform our whole show the Saturday following, and also because that frees up time to do other fun stuff - like watching people die while I eat food. That should be great fun. Which reminds me.........

Reminder to self of stuff, and stuff.

song stuck in my head of the day: Ross' Concert
quote of the Gen. Conf.: I am grateful to be able to say that in our long life together I cannot remember a serious quarrel. - Pres. Hinckley (talk about personal heroes/role models)
movie quote of the day: [Jane Porter:] And Daddy... they took my boot!
movie of the New Year's Eve: After the Thin Man
events of the day: Updating my blog template, solving the Rubic's Cube in 2:19 as well as solving it into the messed up checkerboard variant.

I hate it when this happens. They should make it less easy to accidently log out of the wildcard tracking computer here in the lab. It's a pain to log into it again.

That was cool of Cory to throw a Spiderman party. I think I would've liked the movie less if we hadn't been making so much fun of it towards the end where Peter Parker tells MJ that he can only be friends (after that nice speech he gave her in Aunt May's hostpital room, too!) It was just so funny to see MJ put her hand on his face and then not have it there when the camera cuts to a different angle and then have it back when the angle changes again. We were imagining that her hand was glued there and then she managed finally to rip it away, only to slap him later on. But he's such a buff superhero type that he didn't even wince at the blow. We'll be using the cardboard promotionals for backdrops in the show this winter. Yay.

We also found out that twizzlers tossed at a ceiling fan on its highest setting are hilarious if not lethal. My aim got pretty good, surprisingly (surprising for the people I was aiming at).

Ok, now I really do have to go do my homework or I'll end up paying for it later on.


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