
Saturday, September 25, 2004

What a Day to Take To 

A wild jaunt.

My day:

Helping Jarrett celebrate the one day this year that is not his un-birthday, I awoke early. As we left WSU, Venus' Girdle was just beginning to fade. As we drove along Harrison towards 12th the spray from the first rocks on which the waterfall up the canyon fall drifted up over the rise and was visible from the automobile. After obtaining a map at the Snowbasin lodge and applying sunscreen we began our trek accompanied by the strains of the Alpenhorn choir. A long but fun hike - we passed moose tracks, dead trees, and anti-aircraft emplacements.

As we neared the top, a snowball fight (not a fight) broke out, and the Alpenhorns, who had apparently taken the gondola up, started warming up. We arrived just in time to catch the tail end of their performance and snap a few pictures. We dragged our tired feet the last few steps to the ridge and from thence to... um... a rocky and treacherous echo-y bowl with lots and LOTS of insects buzzing around in it. When we reached the bottom near a stand of evergreens you could look up and see gossamer threads floating 30 or 40 into the air. Those crazy spiders.

We made our way to the road, on which we made our luncheon a bit later. As it was quicker and easier to walk down the ski runs than follow the road around its less steep but more meandering course, we took that route. After the hike we stopped by Farr's Ice Cream where I had the Mt. Ogden (I chose French Vanilla and Bavarian Raspberry Ripple - I couldn't help myself). Yes. Quite the birthday celebration. There was also some movie-watching and food at the Wheatley flat. Uncorked is quite the funny and thoughtful movie. I liked it.

Afterwards I did some manual labor preparing our backyard for a brick patio. A good day. I'll definitely have to spend a bit more time out in Nature before the cold weather hits.

Fun fun.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004


I've discovered the funniest word in the world. It is 'pants.'

Billy thinks it should be pant, since you only wear a single article of clothing, not two. But he is wrong. Nah nah nah. Just kidding Billy.

More later.

Monday, September 20, 2004

AI - very, very trippy 

I am guessing that it is a tower?
Yes , No , Close
19. Is it multicolored? No.
18. Is it made of metal? Yes.
17. Is it pleasurable? Usually.
16. Would you use it in the dark? Sometimes.
15. Is it manufactured? Yes.
14. Is it considered valuable? Yes.
13. Is it usually colorful? No.
12. Can it cheer you up? Probably.
11. Do you use it at night? Sometimes.
10. Do you clean it regularly? No.
9. Does it have writing on it? Partly.
8. Can you control it? No.
7. Would you use it daily? Rarely.
6. Can you use it with your friends? Yes.
5. Can you buy it at a store? No.
4. Is it man made? Yes.
3. Is it smaller than a loaf of bread? No.
2. Is it heavy? Yes.
1. It is classified as Mineral.

And the thing I was describing? Yeah, it was the Eiffel Tower. Crazy, no? That's what you get when you play against a neural network.

To try it out for yourself, just go to 20q.net

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Something something something 

movie of the while: Mulan

song of the day: Jupiter, Bringer of Jollity by Gustav Holst

Rootism of the week: Now there's an instrument I like; you could hit someone over the head with that.

Quite the eventful days. After working at the stick till midnight on Thursday I went home and slept till 8 or so yesterday. Sleeping in is great. After that I went and had a mustard burgers for lunch and then marched around on the practice field for a couple of hours. After, when I attempted to buy my CS3100 textbook I was dismayed to find out that they only sell it at the bookstore on the SLCC campus which is far and away. Oh well. So much for homework.

Then it was off to an elementary school carnival to help out with running games. Watching kids play is about the ultimate in cheap entertainment. Water balloons and squirt guns can provide literally hours of fun. Pizza and shakes and movie and jam session till late was great fun also. Coming home, when I turned onto 1700 I thought, "Hmm. It's awfully dark here." Which is when it dawned on me that it was dark because all the lights were off. Apparently someone ran into something with their car and cut off power from last night about 5 minutes before I got home till after I left for rehearsal this morning. Which meant I had to rely on battery powered alarm clocks to get me up on time. Fortunately that strategy worked better today than it did in Paris.

After practice Cory and Billy and I went shopping for music and sticks and parts for Cory's new drumset. Then I headed for Salt Lake for a family reunion and to see if I could locate the SLCC bookstore (it was closed), and fixed a couple rockchips on the way back. And now I'm going to go to my stake YSA activity. Yeehaw! Western fun. From the hayride I saw yesterday I'm wondering if I'll end up haysick (like seasick, not hayfever). I always like Dutch oven cooking, so that's good too. And, as always, I look forward to more of life. Fortunately I wasn't so tired driving today that the adventure ended prematurely.

Ok, so that's my story, and I'm sticking to it. Like... um... a sticker. Stickers are fun. I discovered that a sticker's coolness depends on where you put it. Even a lame sticker if put in the proper place can be cool. Like stickers from different locations can look cool. I still haven't decided where to put my Praha sticker yet. I should've gotten Hof and Paris stickers too. Maybe I will, later.

And speaking of later:


Thursday, September 09, 2004

Back in spite of popular demand 

Don't you love The Movie Show on KSL?

song of the day: Bangs by They Might Be Giants

That's what I like about this band - they sing about things you wouldn't expect. This is their new take on an old theme.

Above your eyes your hair hangs
Blow my mind your royal flyness I dig your bangs
To drape across your forehead
To swing concordant angles as you incline your head
Once with a girl I fell in love sometime ago now she had...
Are that on which the world hangs
I'm only holding your hand so I can look at your bangs
Are like a pocket T-shirt
As casual as that while fully intentional
And in case you think I'm here cause I like making chit chat
Just remember what I said the money's under your hat
And although I like you anyway, check out your haircut
A proscenium to stage a face that needs no makeup
Are that on which the world hangs
I'm only holding your hand so I can look at your bangs

Yes, that's right. Dial-a-Song and Olorino's yesterday with Ben, Jarrett, and Jessie. That's how I got the song stuck in my head, anyhow. My group for CS3350 is done for the day and with this extra time I might be doing homework. Unfortunately for me, when I sent a memory access request to my hippocampus to determine what homework I should be working on (my mental notes subroutine keeps blaring out that there is something that needs doing for school) I get a General Rejection Error. My brain won't tell me what I have due or when until it's the night before. Which means I'll have to resort to a hardware solution: writing my homework in a planner.

Aaaand the internet just went down. Guess I'll save this in Notepad and post it later.

foreign word of the day: at glæde sig (it's a reflexive, which is why the "word" is 3 words)

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

O:15 Minutes 

That's right - it's an "O" not a "0" there.

Note to self: pick up Napster gift card at Hastings or Media Play for show tracks.

Ok, so things are moving right along - I have wheels again, I'm started on my online class, and a bunch of other stuff. I think I could just post the word "stuff" and cover everything I spend time taking the trouble to write out longhand. But whatever, blogging is fun and is a good outlet for my thoughts.

'kay, bye.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Journey's End 

My alternating Oddity is finally over. That is to say, there is now a new alternator in my automobile. And by new I mean old, yet more functional than the one that is no longer there. After the car wouldn't start at my grandma's house it was put on a charger for a while and seemed to run fine. Except that it wouldn't start at Checker's after they tested the battery (they said it had a bad cell, so I got a new battery). After that it lasted until Thursday night after work (Friday morning). I thought it was a bit odd that the windshield wipers would run so slowly. Then, when I noticed that the headlights and dash lights were growing dim as I neared the top of a hill I switched on the brights to see if they worked even, but that just killed the motor. So after coasting to the bottom of the hill I left it by the side of the road and walked the rest of the way home. Fortunately it was only a couple of miles. The wind was blowing and it rained just a bit, but it wasn't unpleasant.

After picking pears from the tree and plums from the ground I read The Hobbit aloud til I nearly lost my voice. I worked some more on a set of three shows for a CD similar to the first version of the Taiwan CD. I think Rod Rippon will definitely get his own personalized version of the CD with an extra picture and different commentary on it, thanks to Jason and his mom. :)

oh so very song of the day: Nessun Dorma from Turandot

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

I'll think of a decent title for this post later 

Just catching up on stuff written earlier but not posted til now. Enjoy.

Aug 25

Ah, cool summer evenings. I think I will never tire of looking at the mountains near where I live. They never manage to look the same twice.

I miss my friends. For me school is not only a preparation for employment and development of myself as a responsible member of society, but a social life also. Some of my friends I'll get to see, though, on Saturday for Ultimate's party. And band camp is social - that much is undeniable. But some are summer seldom seens. I must mention here that Iceberg has great strawberry shakes. Andrew says anyone can stop in and visit him, and is welcome to do so. We should all go down and visit him sometime. And since this is on the Internet, I must qualify that invitation by saying that you really ought to know Andrew to be someone who visits him, or at least someone who wants to get to know him for reasons other than taking his money, or some wingnut reason like that.

I just realized that I completely forgot in my post about Lagoon to mention that I have Connie to thank for the tickets. Thanks again.

I started learning La Fille aux Cheveux de Lin today. If I have a thing for Debussy, hopefully whoever might fault me won't. I just get a kick out of it. Fun stuff.

wry humor movie line of the day: I don't mind a parasite. I object to a cut-rate one. - Rick in Casablanca

Well, time to go and do what I came here for in the first place.

26 Aug

Evening Edit - I like clear nights like tonight. Then you can look up and the moon is just white. Very cool. All the thumbnail pictures are done. Time for sleep now.

1 Sept

Spanish navel oranges and The Orange Forum. These are a few of my favorite things. Only in Denmark and Germany, I think, have I ever had really good Spanish oranges. First day in the UB lab today. Jon Schmitt concert on Friday. Yay. Free-dollar lunch tomorrow. Also, yay.

Time now, again, for the sleeping part of my life.

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