
Wednesday, September 01, 2004

I'll think of a decent title for this post later 

Just catching up on stuff written earlier but not posted til now. Enjoy.

Aug 25

Ah, cool summer evenings. I think I will never tire of looking at the mountains near where I live. They never manage to look the same twice.

I miss my friends. For me school is not only a preparation for employment and development of myself as a responsible member of society, but a social life also. Some of my friends I'll get to see, though, on Saturday for Ultimate's party. And band camp is social - that much is undeniable. But some are summer seldom seens. I must mention here that Iceberg has great strawberry shakes. Andrew says anyone can stop in and visit him, and is welcome to do so. We should all go down and visit him sometime. And since this is on the Internet, I must qualify that invitation by saying that you really ought to know Andrew to be someone who visits him, or at least someone who wants to get to know him for reasons other than taking his money, or some wingnut reason like that.

I just realized that I completely forgot in my post about Lagoon to mention that I have Connie to thank for the tickets. Thanks again.

I started learning La Fille aux Cheveux de Lin today. If I have a thing for Debussy, hopefully whoever might fault me won't. I just get a kick out of it. Fun stuff.

wry humor movie line of the day: I don't mind a parasite. I object to a cut-rate one. - Rick in Casablanca

Well, time to go and do what I came here for in the first place.

26 Aug

Evening Edit - I like clear nights like tonight. Then you can look up and the moon is just white. Very cool. All the thumbnail pictures are done. Time for sleep now.

1 Sept

Spanish navel oranges and The Orange Forum. These are a few of my favorite things. Only in Denmark and Germany, I think, have I ever had really good Spanish oranges. First day in the UB lab today. Jon Schmitt concert on Friday. Yay. Free-dollar lunch tomorrow. Also, yay.

Time now, again, for the sleeping part of my life.

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