
Thursday, July 15, 2004

Woo Who!

100 emails, Jim. Count'em. 100.

And I'm not talking sbemails either. Those are A2D emails. Sent, that is. My goal is achieved. Funny how small triumphs are like... um... small turnips(!?!)

Ok, time for something other than blogging. The Bloggal Cortex of my brain must be offline right now.

Fire when ready.

Friday, July 09, 2004

"How did it come to this?"
-Theoden King

Who ever thought that my blog would become stained by using it to vent my ire? I really didn't want my blog to become just a bitterness zone. So maybe later I'll be more lethargic (calmed down) and come back and delete this post.

When you buy something that is brand new and factory sealed from a major electronics chain, what would you think if you opened it up and the thing you bought had scratches, pen marks and dirt on it as if it had been used by someone else and then reconditioned and shipped out as if it was new? Probably the same thing I'm thinking.

Well, now that I'm through complaining, I'll sign off and do what I came here to do.


All our playsets and toys.

P.S. Hmm. The girl I took to the Ryan Shupe & the Rubberband concert is here in the computer lab where I work. Interesting.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

I don't need someone to make me laugh.

I need to make someone laugh. That always seems to cheer me up much more than someone trying to make me laugh. I really feel like listening to Phil Collins right now. I fear I may actually have been a bit bitter (if that's the right word) the past little while. When I did a little metacognition and realized that this was the case, I was surprised, bemused, and a bit annoyed. I don't want to be bitter.

Speaking of songs stuck in my head, I had Alphavilles biggest hit stuck upstairs earlier when I was driving to the college after picking up a "taxi" "horn" from "Wal-Mart."

Too bad I didn't have time to return the disappointingly not-working PVP to Circuit City today. No lunch break tomorrow to do it on either. ): Southpaws rock. I think if I can't get the directors' commentary version done, I will just whip up a batch of the single version and take that with next week to rehearsal. Hopefully it will be well received, along with all that goes with it.

We'll be starting on our second movie-making-madness marathon on Saturday.

After showing up to my lesson 1/2 hour late today, I felt much better to return home and find the message on my answering machine telling me that the lesson was cancelled. And I though that Diego had left thinking I stood him up. (But who could've blamed him - 1/2 hour is basically that.) I didn't forget - honest! I was just really late. But I did sit there on the steps and give myself a lesson for a while while I was waiting to see if he'd return.

Speaking of Matthews... my nephew turned 1 today. At least that's when we celebrated his birthday party. I'm sure that he had no clue why all the people were at his house. The presents were a pleasant surprise to him, but he won't catch on for another year or so.

So, now I have to try to get a date for satuday. I'd asked Sarah, the girl that's helping out with percussion for the OCB Germany trip, but it turned out she was busy. As I was telling Jarrett, the thickness of my Black Book and my wallet are foils - juxtaposed - inversely proportionate. When it comes to dating, I don't mind spending bread, but my huge wallet is more a result of reciepts than cash: the evidence of having at one time had cash.

Ever just shout out into the blogosphere just to hear it echo back... wondering if anybody hears the echo? Well, I never have. Ok, maybe I have. But from Ben's telling me he found my Ep0 blog, I know that this post may very well not go unturned. Like a stone. Only a digital one. And not so much like a stone, as like a tired geek's wee-hours rambling post.

I kinda wish I had more pictures to bucket and link up here, but my camera batteries are dead, and I haven't taken the time to buy new ones, or rechargeables. I'll have to do that before the trip.

Since this is my personal weblog, I don't feel nearly as guilty about rambling on and on and on and on and on for a long time as I would if I did the same on the band blog. Which reminds me - maybe Ben won't read this since he said that if it's more than about a paragraph or two long, he doesn't read it. Or was that someone else? Dunno.

Which reminds me, I'll have to see if I have any CS classes with anyone I know this next fall. That'd be groovy.

Well, at this point I'd probably post up the lyrics to Man of Constant Sorrow, but I've already done that, and it now occurs to me it might've been a bit wasted when I used it. It so much better fits my current mood. And speaking of the Moody Blues...

favorite song of the not right now but a while back: Strange Times by The Moody Blues

Time to type some z's.


Now time to go make some real z's.

Oh, wait - that was like 3 hours ago. Come fall no more graveyard shift for me. Yippee!

Currently on the steps of Meduseld - Khazad-dum couldn't wait, and neither could Lorien, Rauros, nor Fangorn. We'll see where we're at when we're sitting pretty (I hope) at 30,000 ft.

Stand by.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

I'm sitting here at work eating cold pizza. Life is good.

I think now that the band blog is in full swing, I've been neglecting my own. I appologize profusely to my readers out there (all me of them). Yesterday I went with Kristen and Aaron on a hike up Waterfall Canyon. 3/4 of the way up, the trail became very hard to find. This did not stop us from continuing, even though it should've. All in all, the hike was very fun, though. We got sweaty, tired, muddy, hystamine-reaction-y, and lost multiple times. And we never found the waterfall. But it was still a good hike.

I'm getting close to finishing the cover art for the Taiwan picture CDs. Hopefully Jason and Cory can come help me record the Directors' Commentary audio (anybody know Dr. Palumbo's first name?).

?). Hmm... What kind of an emoticon is that?

I'll post pictures from the hike when I get them downloaded from my battery-low camera.

Soon, a guy is coming to steal my computer. They are beginning the PC migration in preparation for the closing of this lab where I have worked for so long at the end of the summer. Hopefully when it closes, I will get to work in the Lampros Hall (at the stick - and if anybody besides me does happen to read my blog, then you probably deserve to know that foregoing tidbit of geographic information).

I'll try to post pictures of the CD when it is completed here. Or maybe over on the band geeks blog as a kind of advertisment.

If you recommend something to someone whilst embarrasing yourself, is it called word of foot? Even I had to think about that one, and I was the one who thought it up.

Last night was eventful. I got to conduct the band again in Always Faithful (Sempre Fidelis). [is Sempre Fidoless Always Without a Dog?]

AND I'm way way excited about the trip to Europe. I didn't realize we'd be visiting so many cool places in Paris. Fun stuff.

Stay tuned: more later.

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