
Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Well, well, well. I've just found a new favorite something of the sometime, and it turns out it is now one of my favorite favorites:
The Score Station - streaming movie scores to anybody (free - you don't even have to sign up) and get this: they do instant requests. Suite deal.

Great stuff.

And a few favorite songs from there: A Kalideoscope of Mathematics from A Beautiful Mind, Godspeed from The Time Machine

Photo of the day:


...and another cool thing that ben just showed me: Magic Eye Animation

Ok bye.

Monday, January 26, 2004

game of the while: Super Challenge for stuff!

picture of the while:

Night Launch of Shuttle

So now I'm sitting here once again in my CS2705 class. The end.

Ok, not the end. The next class was coming into the lab, so I had to put an untimely end to my post. Now I have to go back and edit it to continue. Well, I've only ever used blogger.com for blogging, so while I have nothing to compare this with I am extremely pleased with blogger's ability to edit posts without messing stuff up or going through a messy process to do it.

And I'm extremely happy that I found a way to include images in my blog. I guess blogger doesn't like the "" around the src in the img tag for some strange reason. Hmm... maybe that's the new html standard. Dunno. Guess I'm not as much of a geek as I thought that I was.

picture of the day:

the Hyggehytte near Aarhus. Coolest appartment ever in the history of DDM.... probably.

So now I'm taking CS2705 again. First time I didn't pass the class... er, no... wait. I maybe passed the class. Anyway, I got an incomplete and now supposedly the teacher is looking over the stuff that I turned in late. He said that I'd get a C w/o turning it in, but then opted to give me an I until he graded it. Whatever. < shrug >

So I took it again anyways even if it would end up that I passed the class since I don't feel that I gained a good understanding of the material the first time around. After all I'm here not just for a piece of paper, but for the education itself. Wouldn't want to get out there in the market and not know what I'm doing. That'd get me either fired or not hired in the first place. Which would be bad.

Nobody read the following paragraph - I'm warning you. The janitor at Riverton High School has officially earned at least my temporary contempt. grr I mean, if the building was still open, why not come open the door for us? We ended up finally finding the door that was open, but he just sat there and stared at us!!! You think you are a drummer, but you are not!!! (that's what they said, anyways) Ok, now I'm done having contempt towards that person. He is forgiven.... just had to vent. Wow, I never thought my blog would be tainted by the ranting disorder. So now I'm going to add one more sentence to the beginning of this paragraph to make the whole thing ok. You didn't listen though... did you?

Well, the very high point of my week last week, and in fact the high point of my month or so was getting a date to go laser tagging with next next saturday. Yippee!!!

Friday, January 23, 2004

Acute boredom sets in after several hours.

Yay... for images. Photo hosting courtesy photobucket.com

Thursday, January 22, 2004


Does caligynephobia lead to anuptaphobia?

Maybe that's my problem(s).


And is it just me, or do the words "acute tremophobia" give anyone else a hilarious mental picture? Kind of like pouring gas on a fire you rather wish would go out.

quote of the day: "First deserve, then desire."

link of the day: photobucket.com

Already I've racked up 30+ hours this pay period. And a $0.50 raise doesn't hurt either. Whee.


Tuesday, January 20, 2004

And while I'm on the kick:

Into the West

What a tune.


A list of really pretty good lines from LoTR:

Stupid fat hobbit!

A wizard should know better!

There is no curse in Elvish, Entish, or the tongues of Men for this treachary!

How did it come to this?

Would you like me to describe it for you? Or would you like me to find a box?

Not with ten thousand men could you do this.

Monday, January 12, 2004

Today has not been my day.

Which leads me to wonder whose it was.... hmm.

Well, the blog is both emancipating and restrictive as a medium for expression and communication.

Time to log in to my online english class that I've already been slacking off on and continue my first-day-of-the-semester downward spiral.

Cory asked me this morning if I was about ready for the semester to be done.

I told him I was already burned out. And only 15 more weeks to go til finals week. Yay.

On a lighter note (pun fully intended - as always), I really kind of dig Into the West. Maybe not the best singer, but it was done well, and it's just so cool a song no matter. And a more fitting song for the end of a three year journey could hardly be written. Kudos to whom it may apply.


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