
Tuesday, December 09, 2003

favorite web sight of the day: The Valaquenta

That's for those who are wondering about my Orange Forum handle.


Monday, December 08, 2003

Well, I just nearly finished my networking final review. It's 10 to Midnight. I'm tired. I'm going home. I hope I arrive there safely. Hmm... a donut from Tasty's... That'd make my day...


favorite quote of the day: "Violence is not strength, and compassion is not weakness." [spoken by Aurthur in Camelot]

Yippee! CS3200 final went tree-riffic today. That 3AM study session saved my bacon... and my hashing browns for that matter. Part of this NP-Complete break;fast. [all puns and otherwise subtle references fully intended]

Well, I'm now on The Orange Forum. Ulmo's the handle. 2 posts already. (I know, can you believe it?)

On today's menu are: Networking steak, with a side of mashed Calculus, and a nice tall cold glass of Stressin'-ade. There's no excuse for hunger with a feast like that laid out before me.

Car is registered. JAMline went well. People and drums added quite a bit. This weeks goal is to get the first song done up in Finale. Actually, that comes second to getting finals and the TW-CD done. Yep.

Well. Stuff...


Friday, December 05, 2003

Cisco 2600 routers do not work. At least not when it's the last day of class and you have a lab manual to do that requires the router to work properly (i.e., according to my notion of how it should work). That is what I learned today.

tunes of the day: Knick Knack - Bobby McFerrin, The Promise of Living - Aaron Copland, Manah Manah - the Muppets

way WAY too cool thing of the day: Project Looking Glass

JAMline tomorrow. Wheeeee!!! We'll see how this goes.

More later... maybe.


Thursday, December 04, 2003

favorite poem of all the time: The Hunting of the Snark by Lewis Carroll

We'll see how this goes.

Finals coming up.


Monday, December 01, 2003

Well, maybe a quick blog, then.

favorite tune stuck in my head of the while: Beyond the Sea

My (parents') car passed inspection, but I didn't get it registered today, since I only had a few minutes and there was just a huge line at the DMV. Well.

Tryouts are tomorrow for the JAMline. Should prove interesting.

Well, the worst (as far as my networking class is concerned) case scenario occured; my in class presentation was today. Jason and I fortunately ran through some stuff on saturday and he had a powerpoint presentation prepared that we winged it off of... Saturday right before we busted out LotRisk. (A fun game by the by. I'm going to try to write the rules for a combo game that uses LotRisk, Monopoly [star wars edition, of course], and Epic Duels... maybe call it "Epicskopoly of the Rings", or "Lorpicskopoly", or maybe just "Epic" for short-and-easy.) So today I'll be writing the 4-6 page paper on VoIP. And yes, we did use the VOiP! picture from TGS#1 in the ppt presentation. And that begins...


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