
Monday, December 08, 2003

favorite quote of the day: "Violence is not strength, and compassion is not weakness." [spoken by Aurthur in Camelot]

Yippee! CS3200 final went tree-riffic today. That 3AM study session saved my bacon... and my hashing browns for that matter. Part of this NP-Complete break;fast. [all puns and otherwise subtle references fully intended]

Well, I'm now on The Orange Forum. Ulmo's the handle. 2 posts already. (I know, can you believe it?)

On today's menu are: Networking steak, with a side of mashed Calculus, and a nice tall cold glass of Stressin'-ade. There's no excuse for hunger with a feast like that laid out before me.

Car is registered. JAMline went well. People and drums added quite a bit. This weeks goal is to get the first song done up in Finale. Actually, that comes second to getting finals and the TW-CD done. Yep.

Well. Stuff...


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