
Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Vote for Summer 

Or East. I do.

link of the yesterday: Where?

thought of the yesterday: Aren't Wikis great?

hope of the yesterday: That I'll get a date with this one cute gal.

Friday, April 22, 2005

I Ate 3 Meals I Rode My Bike I Hung Out With My Friends 

geeklinks of the day (2!):

Scrapbook - for to capture the web with

Google Preview - look before you leap

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

What you are about to read 

is part of an actual conversation that took place on the Internet. Be warned that none of it is in any way linked in any but the most tenuous of ways to what most of us term simply, "reality."

Lampros - Jon - here's soooo hoping. says:
Whereabouts are you at?
Lampros - Jon - here's soooo hoping. says:
The Beeeeeeeee-heeeeeeeeen.
Lampros - Jon - here's soooo hoping. says:
Oh, the Ben went down to Yorkshire
Lampros - Jon - here's soooo hoping. says:
'Twas spring in the month of May.
Lampros - Jon - here's soooo hoping. says:
He was hoping to catch a currant pudding
Lampros - Jon - here's soooo hoping. says:
Somewhere along the weigh.
Lampros - Jon - here's soooo hoping. says:
But a little black twig did stumble his step
Lampros - Jon - here's soooo hoping. says:
And he fell into an open interdimensional-portal a-HEEEEEY.
Lampros - Jon - here's soooo hoping. says:
*** (the bridge at this point)
Lampros - Jon - here's soooo hoping. says:
And he ne'er again went that way.
Lampros - Jon - here's soooo hoping. says:
Did you like my song?
Lampros - Jon - here's soooo hoping. says:
I made it up on the spot.
Lampros - Jon - here's soooo hoping. says:
Since you aren't responding I'll be forced to blog this entire one-sided conversation.

Should this conversation fall into the right hands, simply transfer it to the left hands so that you can continue writing letters to the prison warden to let you out with your right hands. That is, of course, unless you happen to be left-handed, in which case, carrion.


POTD: Moonset

And speaking again of wow, I got the part for Taiko. Whoop-de-do. But there was much discussion afterwards. I have to remember to bring my jingly-dome-topper tomorrer. And my concert black.

East takes State(?)

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Water Discovered on Mars!!! 

4/1 on APOD

I'm serious. I really think there oughtta be like 3 or 4 of those a year, not just one.

Happy Birthday yesterday to Aaron.

Song of the yesterday: Throne Room by Williams
Yay of the day: the nice weather
Push of the day: get my CEET class as done as I can
Relief of the day: the clock still says four of two
Picture of the day: Aurora that is out of this world
Mystery of the day: Unknown language

List of rare/odd meteorological and astronomical phenomena of the day:

Sun Pillars
Double rainbows
Venus' Girdle
Solar/Lunar Halos
Circumzenith Arcs
Dust Devils
Anticrepuscular rays
Noctilucent clouds
St. Elmo's Fire
Ice Bombs
Red Sprites
Blue Jets
Ball Lightning
Snow Rollers
Racing Boulders
Heat Bursts

Einstein Cross (gravitational lensing)
Accretion disks
Retrograde planetary motion
Ion comet trails
The Chandrasekhar Limit
Type II Supernovae

Friday, April 15, 2005

Fingertips #18 

Two days in a row. Not too shabby. Not at all.

Hoping that concrete meets clay.

link of the day: Customize

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Jazz Waltz in C 

Lyrics of the day:

Guy in the damp(?) shirt
Thank you for coming to our show

Lady in the pink(?) blouse
Thank you for coming to our show

Guy in the orange hard hat
For Hangin' out with those people (?)
Our show
Thank you for coming to our show
People with the face masks
Thank you for coming to our show
Guy with the stolen hubcap
There's someone so mad at you its unbeleivable

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Song of the yesterday: Stubernik by Mark Ford
Song of the day: Suspension by Mae

Grrr of the day: To graduate there is only one class that I can take and it is taught only once at SLCC in the evening. This is not the fun. I'll have to go talk to someone about it.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Chalk one up. 

Tiny tiny doctors
Swimming in my veins
Taking care of business inside me
Clearing up the illness and pain
Helpful, very concerned
Putting all their medical experience to work

Forgive my personal opinion appearing here on my blog. No, wait. Don't.

Maybe I'm strange, (even before I finished typing that I realized its irony) but I think there are tons of cute gals that go to school here. However, only every once in a while do I see a girl who is really really really good lookin'. Most of the time when I see a cute girl, the fact that she's cute just registers somewhere in the back of my mind and I continue with my train of thought. But every once in a while a young lady's looks will cause the thought, "Now There's a good looking girl" to jump to the front of my concious mind. That just happened.

Incidentally, I hope no one reading this thinks I'm being shallow. Shallow is if that's the main important thing to a guy. All I'm saying here is that yes, some girls are indeed quite striking in appearance.

And speaking of irony, I need a haircut. Still.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

The search engine for Uruk-Hai 

And it really does work. Sorta.

And speaking of searching., isn't life challenging?


Friday, April 01, 2005


Google totally wins the day. And especially for the MS dig on the last FAQ item. I thought I had a good idea, but theirs, while it doesn't have the potential to start a riot on WSU campus, is much much more funnierer. Ooh ooh ooh. Now I'm excited to see what ThinkGeek's looflirpa is. And others.

Stand by.

Ok, I'm back. And the monkeys over at ThinkGeek have this and this as my two favorites. Not all of their products are sanitary though. Stupid ppl. Also, Gmail has a good one.

And Andrew, you win the yesterday, by the way, for that link to Napo Napo.

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