
Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Chalk one up. 

Tiny tiny doctors
Swimming in my veins
Taking care of business inside me
Clearing up the illness and pain
Helpful, very concerned
Putting all their medical experience to work

Forgive my personal opinion appearing here on my blog. No, wait. Don't.

Maybe I'm strange, (even before I finished typing that I realized its irony) but I think there are tons of cute gals that go to school here. However, only every once in a while do I see a girl who is really really really good lookin'. Most of the time when I see a cute girl, the fact that she's cute just registers somewhere in the back of my mind and I continue with my train of thought. But every once in a while a young lady's looks will cause the thought, "Now There's a good looking girl" to jump to the front of my concious mind. That just happened.

Incidentally, I hope no one reading this thinks I'm being shallow. Shallow is if that's the main important thing to a guy. All I'm saying here is that yes, some girls are indeed quite striking in appearance.

And speaking of irony, I need a haircut. Still.

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