
Thursday, February 26, 2004

Today we got Shim-wha! (a percussion ensemble piece). I get to play synthesizer. Yay!

Then, after percussion ensemble, I was reminded that I need to be careful when talking about people, even if I'm not interested in a relationship with them. I tried to be friendly without giving the impression that I was interested, but when you say that someones' making their feelings about you apparent makes you uncomfortable, I guess it can be taken the wrong way. When someone you aren't interested in, but still like as a person, shows that they are interested in you, how do you let them know the feeling isn't reciprocated without hurting them? Not the way I did, apparently.

Such is life; Experience steps in uninvited to teach us lessons we refused to learn from Wisdom.

On a lighter note, I've finally started to do my calculus homework. And it's making sense, which is a relief. There's just a lot to remember. I wish we were allowed the formulas from algebra on a notecard for the exam. I'm all right with memorizing the calculus nonsense, but the instructor should really not expect us to remember obscure [to us, if not him] formulas from several courses back, especially when to use them in real life, we would probably look them up rather than remember them. Oh, well.

Cory's senior recital was incredi-mazing. Several of the faculty said it was one of the very best student recitals they had ever seen here at WSU. It was definitely the best (and only) student recital I've ever seen here. All kidding aside, it was highly impressive. I remarked to Cory afterwards that in the Middle Ages they used to burn people like him at the stake out of a belief that for a person to play like that, they would have to have been posessed or a witch or something like that. That was the first timani solo I've ever enjoyed watching/hearing. There needs to be a better word for awesome.

picture of the day:

An epic wait in San Franciso.

Time for less talk, more math.

Link for me of the day: scholarship info


Thursday, February 12, 2004

La de da. Today's Sesame Blog was brought to you by the number 3, and by the letter L.
I'm all dressed up and no place to go.... I mean I'm going to the career fair after I finish my resume.

tune stuck into my head of the day: Voice Male, by Voice Male

events for today: resume, career fair, $2 lunch (spaghetti), percussion ensemble, practicing the marimba quartet (what a monster), writing the feature for the drumline, doing my calculus lab, maybe getting a haircut, mailing the drumline entry for the Davis competition, and some other stuff

I overslept and still didn't get enough sleep last night. Riding the bus home on wednesdays isn't half bad (and with the EdPass, it's free which isn't even 1/4 bad). Dustin's having a kid. He and Vannessa are perfect for each other. I hope I end up as well off as he is. And speaking of kids, my nephew is starting to walk. It only remains to be seen what kind of a little loveable terror he'll become. Right now he loves to crumple papers because they make a cool sound, and he loves to shake things. When he gets in range of everything not nailed down that's less than 2-3 feet off the ground, things will get interesting.

I decided that I really like laser tag. When my YSA group goes next week I'm thinking I'll be getting a membership there. I haven't decided if my handle will be olorin, or mithrandir, or jango, or something else. Maybe inspiration will strike between now and then. If it does, hopefully it won't leave a gaping hole in my head like last time it struc.... no, wait... that was an I-beam. The inspiration didn't leave a scratch last time it struck. Ok, so I hope, then, that no more I-beams strike me, but that inspiration does.

We got our itinerery for the Reno trip yesterday in wind ensemble. Yippee! Two nights ago I was thinking to myself that it would be cool if it was at least a 4-day trip, and it turns out it is exactly 4 days/3 nights. Prefect. I mean, perfect. Yeah, I still think Year 4 is the best so far, and after that Year 1, 3, and 2, in that order, although 1, 2, and 3 are all pretty close. It's like comparing apples and oranges though, since they're all different and they're all good for different reasons. Year 5 I only read once, and I didn't like it as much as the others. Perhaps it was a case of a good book read with too high of expectations, but I thought it just went on and on without doing very much. Except for the end part, not much happened that was interesting or meaningful. Those are the breaks.

Well, now that I've used a good deal of my available resume-fixing-up time, I'll end this nonsense.
That is, after one little mention of how annoying it is that the limits of integration can change when a substitution is made. (It didn't have to be this hard, did it?)

photo of the day:

This is my friend from drumline a couple years back who is now in Iraq making it so that I can live in a free country. Props to the troops.
He sent this to me with the explanation that part of their rations resemble elven waybread.


Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Very funny picture of the day:
The Arrangement

Well, today I'm just burning through my calculus homework at an unprecedented rate. Test on Friday. I'm going to be running like mad this week. Should be fun.

Image of the day: Mars probe bouncing to a landing


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