
Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Water 

I got back today from my family vacation to Bear Lake. We went rock climbing, cave diving, gold panning, and boating. I haven't showered in over 2 days and have ca. 1 inch of sunscreen/bug spray/sweat on me. The clutch on our car started going out on the way back, but we made it. I received the obligitory camping damage - in this case a scrape on my arm from a tree that broke as it broke my fall. I mean, you just haven't really camped unless you get ingured in some way as you break away from your insulated technology-lined modern world you usually live in.

We had mostly dutch oven dinners/desserts with drinks chilled in the river that ran past our campsite. There was playing of UNO and Boggle. It was nice to be able to see the sky on fire with stars. Usually there's to much light from the city to see them very well. I had a strawberry colada shake from La Beau's (yes, I wondered at the spelling also) which wasn't too bad. I was completely set on straight strawberry, but then I saw the aforementioned flavor and thought I should try that at least, since I know of no other place that offers it. I'll try regular strawberry next time. Overall it gets a 9/10 for vacation spots. Definitely going back there again, probably repeatedly.

I'm getting close to finishing a project for work. While on the vacation, away from all things wired, I had an apostrophe about it. I realized that a sample application on the Flash Media Server developer site is almost exactly what is needed, with a little tweaking. It's a chat/whiteboard application for the Math department. The one built into Vista might also work as well, but I'm not sure if they wanted it available to non-students as well.

I started working again on yet another version (in Adobe Flash this time) of an application that my ppl at work have kicked around multiple times, both in Flash and Flex. We'll see how that goes.

Not this week but next I'll be going up to Flaming Gorge with my student ward. That should be a blast. I hope.

Time (definitely) for a shower.

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