
Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Mission Accomplished 

^said in Kronk voice^
That is to say that one of the main goals of TNT was accomplished last night.

In other news, sometimes being very tired brings clarity of thought and focus. When you're so tired that trivial noise falls out of your mind, the things that are left were the things that were quietly waiting there all along.

In other news, the airplane is ok. Thank goodness. Quite the drama. And speaking of drama, I watched part of the episode of Lost that recapped the previous season. Looks highly interesting.

I should've done my homework earlier. I hate trying to plow through assignments at the last minute. The assignment in question was one from my Formal Languages & Algorithms class involving converting transition graphs into regular expressions using Kleene's theorem. Joy of joys.

Last night was fun. The WSU Marching Band exhibition was a blast. Except for the part where WSU was on the field. At least for me. And that is because I was made painfully aware of just which parts of the show I need to work on. That said, the show did go fairly well overall. I'm just a bit miffed that I missed Skyview's performance. From what everyone said it was the best show of the evening, including AF's, which was my favorite out of the shows I did see.

I beat Grow Cube all by myself, but for the Grow RPG I gave up and Googled it. Fun stuff. Reminiscent of Myst.

What an odd picture of me there was in the Signpost today. I think they Photoshopped the whole thing. But what do I know. The Signpost is getting more and more like a tabloid every issue. Pretty soon they'll have a picture of the Bat-boy playing water-polo against Michael Jackson in the duck pond by the Student Service building. Honestly - someone that could lick his own elbow or contort his arms like that? Give me a break.

Now I just need to capitalize on my newfound fame and find someone gullible enough to fund my hairbrained financial venture. Maybe I should come up with one of those for someone to finance.

The hour grows late.

Oh, it's pointless staying up for even twenty seconds more
When everything has happened and there's nothing left in store
The thing is now to lay my head down, close my eyes, and snore
And so to bed directly I goooooooooooooo

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