
Monday, August 01, 2005

Without question 

the highlight of my summer.

3 days/ 2 nights with friends away from school and work playing in the out-of-doors, making s'mores, playing board games, having barbe-ques (yeah, there was a line for the food), karaoke, stories of the highly entertaining type, sunscreen, music, fireside, cabins, balancing acts, volleyball of two types, football in the river, jumping off of bridges, walking on burning pavement, centripital force pulling one guy from the rope swing and nearly doing the same to several others including me, a frisbee ninja who tried several times to kill me, and much more.

I just love trips.

game of the trip: Munchkin (you really have to try this one)
event of the trip: first time swimming in about 6 years
post of the voyage: helmsman
level markers of the gaming: SweetTarts

I spent the weekend of the week last at Sunrise Ranch Resort on the Snake River with about 150-200 other peoples about my age just having the time of my life. We took a couple ginormous canoes that held about 25 people each on a 3 hour tour, stopping at an inlet 1/2 way through for water-type games. There was more candy there than was probably legal in Idaho, even considering the per-person amount if we claimed it was owned equally by all present. Water slide - volleyball and badmitton nets - log roll - rope swing - A/C chilled cabins - human Gus stereo system - foosball - ping and/or pong - b-ball court... great fun. Our camp host was a big awesome jolly guy. And, of course, lotsa cute girls to meet and hang out with. And to say that Dave hitting on them mercilessly was highly entertaining is a gross understatement. Gotta love that guy.

Okay, so now I really do need to go do my homework so that I can get done the other stuff that needs to be done.

Q: What gear do army cows wear?
A: Cow-moo-flage.

Yes, some of the candy was Laffy Taffy.

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