
Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Faint hope seems so much better than sure failure.

Ok, so I finally got firefox working again on my work machine. I was reinstalling so that I could get the developer tools, and somehow my user profile files ended up in the bit bucket and the new install would not execute. It didn't even give me an error message. It just did nothing at all.

So I renamed the Mozilla folder in my Application Data folder and reinstalled and... hey-presto. It works like a charm. Unfortunately the Extension Room was down all afternoon so I couldn't install some of my favorite extensions, like BookmarksHome. But I did get some from the Mozilla addons site.

Check out:
Mood Tap
Web Developer
View formatted source
View Rendered Source
and, of course

I still need that list to import for Adblock though from the post on the ext rm.

Lotsa rain on my person today. Edvalson was like a maze of rivulets through which I swam in my automobile. And then there was this lightning when I was in Lampros that sounded like someone dropped a huge boulder on the roof right over my head. So loud. It was magical. Actually that magical part is just an inside joke having to do with system sounds here at my place of "employment."

And - saving the best for last - my sister had a bouncing baby boy this morning. What a trooper. Give it up for the women who put it all on the line to bring us all here. I doubt much else in this world is as great as what they do.

Laters, all.

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