
Friday, August 12, 2005

Someone in this town 

Is trying to burn the playhouse down.

I just have to say that the smell of sunscreen is one of my very favorite things in the whole world. Usually I'm not outside long enough to need it. When I am out that long it's usually because I'm doing something fun. So I like the smell and feel of sunscreen because it's associated with fun in the sun.

Like today - my sister Beth and I went to Lagoon. I love the Rocket (Re-entry). The Bat was as uneventful as I'd heard (fairly slow, mostly horizontal, rather short). The Cliffhanger was closed. But I decided I really dig the Spider and Screamer. I also liked the boat ride that I can't remember the name of. Anyway, I think I'll have to go back before the season ends. I guess I'm just in love with rides.

My dad entered some of his blueberries in the county fair and took two ribbons: First Place and Best of Show. We're trying to talk him into entering them in the State Fair if there are still any left when that rolls around.

I met a nice girl at TNT last week. What a great idea TNT is. For those of you who don't know about TNT I am bound to extend a warm invitation to come experience it for yourself. That's the only way you'll find out what it is, because the first rule of TNT is that you can't tell anybody what it's about. If you want to come experience it, bring $0.25 to the bell tower at 9:30 on any given Tuesday night. It's a blast. If you're unsure of what to expect, don't worry. It's just a whole lot of fun. I didn't know what it would be like the first time I went, but I liked it enough that I go every Tuesday now (with the exception of two weeks ago when the sky was trying to kill everyone).

Well, school is flying headlong towards us. And as the hour is growing late, I think I shall retire. Aside from wearing sunscreen while wearing myself out running from ride to ride all day, I like the part where you're all sore at the end of the day and you're laying there in bed so tired you can't even go right to sleep and you just lay there and enjoy being tired and sore. Maybe I'm weird, but I like the feeling of being sore after a hike or a long day working in the yard or playing outside.

Yeah. So, about that retiring...


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