
Thursday, August 18, 2005

Away to the Window 

...I flew in a flash
Tore open the shutters
And threw up my hash.

If anyone wonders where I get my sense of humor from I would have to tell them it is in part due to the influence of my uncles. They were the ones that taught me fractured classics such as the variation on the beloved Christmas poem of which the above is an excerpt. May they rest in peace. And since they're still alive, may they also wake up and go to work when their alarm clocks ring.

It's amazing what you can accomplish if you're not afraid of having your arms glued together. I finally got around to using a certain can of spray adhesive for the purpose for which it was purchased, namely, to fix our air hockey table. And speaking of retro gaming, I bought a Sega Genesis at the DI the other day. For $12 bucks. Worth every cent.

Recent projects at my place of employment have included creating a simplified version of the WebCT Vista browser tune-up which will be accessable from vista.weber.edu as well as being on this year's free campus technology CD that will be distributed in the student computer labs and mailed to faculty. I've also been tackling turning the WebCT instructor Helpful Hints into .swf movies using Macromedia's Captivate. I couldn't resist and included subtle references to various entertaining things, including the Muppets, WBHR, SpongeBob, and Jarrett. Aaron and I were also working yesterday on some database stuff for the Education department for their accreditator mandate compliance. Or something like that. And the nice thing is that when you help faculty out they sometimes give you food (like the peanut butter bars Aaron and I scored). And finally, I finished, at long last, the Package Tracking System update for campus Shipping & Receiving. Too bad they won't be using it for very long due to a near-future switch to a new hardware and software package. Oh, well. Good experience for me.

I've been thinking and my conclusion is this: as far as my career goes I need to start putting together a portfolio of examples of my mad computer skillz and a resume documenting the work I've done.

Well, now it's time for to hit the.... Hey!!! what a great idea! I'm going to sleep.


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