
Wednesday, June 29, 2005

I <3 my job 

Beats the socks off trying to talk Joe lUser through getting his brand new Dell Windows '97 iBook connected.

Phantom Regiment at WSU today.

Clark Planetarium on Friday.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

If you liked Terraserver 

...then you'll love Keyhole.

so, link of the day is keyhole. w00t

song of the day: Stuck In A Moment You Can't Get Out Of by U2

movie of the while: Batman Begins

food of the day: breftas cereal

JH deep thought of the day: "The face of a child can say it all, especially the mouth part of the face."

Well, since this is my blog and not just an of-the list board, I suppose it's been a while since I just rambled on and on about the happenings of life and my thoughts that most people will probably fall asleep 1/2-way through if they try to read all of. So, here's to blogging.

I was just thinking how the funniest line in Batman is probably "Tell them that joke you know." and the funniest line in National Treasure is probably "Delicious jams and jellies?" and the funniest line in The Princess Bride is difficult to determine since there are so many good ones in it.

Poor me, I have to wait until the most recent season of SG-1 comes out on DVD to find out what happens to Jack. You'd think I care, or something. Almost. Nope, just entertained.

Thanks to Cory, we now have a gigantic poster of Spider-Man hanging up in the STC office. I'll have to remember to bring my Episode I teaser poster that I've had hanging around since the movie came out and put that up, too.

Well, since I'm a bit out of practice at rambling on and on and on I guess I'll have to sign off now and start writing scripts for a podcast or PGH.

'Kay, bye.

Monday, June 20, 2005

My Favorite Browsers 

Apple Moonyak
Sasparilla Fireloon
and of course, the ever-popular
Cap'n Crunch Jungleturkey

Dag, yo

Friday, June 17, 2005


Liberate Lord Vader

Hopefully we'll be filming our mocumentary of a crack team of Burger-King-rooftop-inflatable-Darth-Vader-head-"liberators" soon. Andrew, if you are reading this, our producer-type-dude said you could direct it if you wanted to. There are still a few details to work out, mainly with the manager of one of the local BKs so that it's all legal and legit and that stuff. Details will be forthcoming.

And speaking of filming, the other day I was checking out my old CF memory card that came with my camera and guess what I found on it? Footage for JPII that wasn't in the original theatrical release. And an OCB pic from last summer at the Layton Whatever concert that got rained out.

Ok, bye.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Oh So Very Much 

Usually I try to limit myself to only one link of the day, but since I have two I just hafta mention, I give you....

links of the day:

funny link of the day: Spoonerisms

crazy-go-nuts awesome modding link of the day: The Extension Room

Although I dig Tab Scroller, Adblock is the most useful and Firesomething the most hilarious.


Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Foiled Again! 

I wanted to go see RS&RB in the Layton Amphitheatre this evening, but by the time I found out about it all the tickets were gone. Foiled!

Monday, June 13, 2005

Quote of the 

"If you are lucky enough
to have lived in Paris as a
young man, then wherever
you go for the rest of your life,
it stays with you, for all of
Paris is a moveable feast."


Thursday, June 09, 2005

[no title] 

Which planet is this on? Did you guess right or did you have to look at who is serving it up?

The hike today has been re-timed to noon, for anyone who still wants to go.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Fun Stuff 

event of the day: putting up the Destiny sign in the STC office

fun thing of the week: discovering cruise control on my car (it's like a roller coaster)

cool stuff I've learned a bit about lately: XML and podcasting (it's like a non-FCC regulated radio station - for anyone)

cool link of the while (it's been updated since I was on there last - can you find your house?): Terraserver

event of the morrow: Waterfall Canyon hike-age


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