
Tuesday, April 19, 2005

What you are about to read 

is part of an actual conversation that took place on the Internet. Be warned that none of it is in any way linked in any but the most tenuous of ways to what most of us term simply, "reality."

Lampros - Jon - here's soooo hoping. says:
Whereabouts are you at?
Lampros - Jon - here's soooo hoping. says:
The Beeeeeeeee-heeeeeeeeen.
Lampros - Jon - here's soooo hoping. says:
Oh, the Ben went down to Yorkshire
Lampros - Jon - here's soooo hoping. says:
'Twas spring in the month of May.
Lampros - Jon - here's soooo hoping. says:
He was hoping to catch a currant pudding
Lampros - Jon - here's soooo hoping. says:
Somewhere along the weigh.
Lampros - Jon - here's soooo hoping. says:
But a little black twig did stumble his step
Lampros - Jon - here's soooo hoping. says:
And he fell into an open interdimensional-portal a-HEEEEEY.
Lampros - Jon - here's soooo hoping. says:
*** (the bridge at this point)
Lampros - Jon - here's soooo hoping. says:
And he ne'er again went that way.
Lampros - Jon - here's soooo hoping. says:
Did you like my song?
Lampros - Jon - here's soooo hoping. says:
I made it up on the spot.
Lampros - Jon - here's soooo hoping. says:
Since you aren't responding I'll be forced to blog this entire one-sided conversation.

Should this conversation fall into the right hands, simply transfer it to the left hands so that you can continue writing letters to the prison warden to let you out with your right hands. That is, of course, unless you happen to be left-handed, in which case, carrion.

What are you hoping for? A girl, a new c.d, something good for your b-day, or could it possibly be...a rubber chicken!
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