
Thursday, November 11, 2004

Recursion: adj. - having the quality of recursiveness 

What a concert. Both bands did good and I personally did pretty good. Naturally having my lucky concert socks on helped. :) Strange. For someone whose idea of luck is very different from its traditional definition I sure do have a lot (2) of lucky items. Socks and a purple duck. And sometimes I tell people good luck. How odd.

thought of the day: Everything counts.

song of the day: Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks, by Mussorgsky or however you spell his name

I guess he might have problems spelling my name, so maybe it's ok.

favorite de-stressing thing of the day: remembering Taiwan (along with the lucky socks, I make it a point to always ensure my stage access is intact with my handy dandy Chia-I City International Band Festival stage pass) :) Cory thought he could get in with his Tinseltown name badge. Apparently it worked since he was there during the performance.

movie of the day: Donald's Adventures in Mathemagic Land and The Wonderful World of Color (If you haven't seen this one you are missing out. I must add it to my list of favorite movies of all time.)

amusing realization of the day: That for how often rain is symbolic of being sad in song and poetry that I sure do like rain and am seldom depressed by it. Usually quite the opposite, even and perhaps especially when the rain is a little cold and there is a bit of wind. I mention it because as I left the stick today it was coming down and I thought, "isn't this nice weather?" Call me off the wall, but that's just how it is.

class of the week: Bro. Kent's. What a great lesson today. I wish I had that class more often.

Looking forward to Turkey Trot-ing and an Incredible movie. And an exam for CS 3100 this weekend. Speaking of which, I should do some homework after checking for showtimes. Also looking forward to a very important appointment with the sandman. I only hope he doesn't want to begin negociations before I confer with my pillow for a minute. Steering wheels just don't provide good business advice.


P.S. If you think all this is boring and/or pointless... you're probably right. And sometimes I wonder if some guy in Pakistan or North Dakota or somewhere like that reads this thing. That would be fun. If so, hey person! What's up? You can't really answer me, but I don't know if it's because this is one-way communication, or if you just don't exist. Uh. 'Kay now things are just getting out of hand. The end.

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