
Monday, August 23, 2004

Viva - live life. 

Every day is an opportunity which will not come our way again. For me, today's opportunities included the first day of band camp (let's not run again), going to the grand opening of the Lampros Hall, and... hmmm. Naught else as of yet, since those two activities took most of the day. But I decided that I'm going to give marching band my all. No point in doing it halfway. The music is good, and the line has the potential to be really good. The bass line has a lot of sweet, fast runs in it, and I like at least one of our warmups (BD Singles).

The Lampros was very nice. Aaron showed us where his co-worker had disassembled an LCD monitor, put it in a wooden box with matting around the screen and the guts of a computer behind it and hung it on the wall. All it is used for is a dynamic picture for the wall. It's remote access only (wireless, I'd guess). The only thing accessable without opening the box is the power cord.

I went over there with Ricky to see about getting keys to the building, since we'll both be closing it. They had root beer floats, cookies, and grapes. Mmm. After a bit other folks from the band came over and we all went on a grand tour of the place. They had a roped off section that Ricky and I figured we'd have to wait until we're actually working there to go explore. The glass in that place is all wrong. I felt like falling over when I walked around one corner because of the slant they put on the floor-to-ceiling window of the corner office. Entertaining. The elevator even opens on both sides; how cool is that?

Maybe later today I'll get some time and work on my Europe post a bit more. It's slow uploading pictures over dial-up. But it's fun to write it up. I'm glad I took my journal on the trip since I only got to blog once. Blogging is easier, but you don't write the same things on a blog as you would in a journal. Usually on the trip I was too exhausted to maintain consciousness long enough to write a whole lot. Sometimes I would write on the plane or bus, but usually I tried to cram it in before sleep took me in the wee hours of the morning after we got back to the hotel and Jarrett and I stayed up talking or listening to the 1812 overture until someone banged on the wall (couldn't tell if it was above or below us). :) At any rate, the pictures I took captured fairly well what we did, so I found it better to use my journal more to record thoughts and feelings, which are so much more difficult to capture with a snapshot, but which I didn't want to fade with time. 3 cheers for ink and paper. I did write some of what we did, but mostly that's what the blog is going to be for telling about. I guess that my trip post will end up being like the other half of my journal for the trip as well as a geek version of a scrapbook of it (and who said guys don't scrapbook?).

Again that weird ?). emoticon.

Ok, time to work on the aforementioned post.

Note to self: pick up Jarrett 7:30 tomorrow.

quote of the day: verse as reproduced above [Note: looks like cut'n'paste didn't get it, actually. Maybe I'll add it later. It's what the title refers to, so I guess I'd better.]

song of the day: Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks from Musorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition

trink of the day: dihydrous oxide (water)

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