
Monday, August 30, 2004

Thrilled, Bruised, Amused 


I've sung in several choirs before, but never one that had so many enthusiastic people in it. And singing with 15-25 year-olds is much different than singing with 40-65 year-olds. The older people can put out so much more on the bass end than us young peoples can. A few hundred voices is such a cool thing to sit in the middle of and pour out your soul. I especially liked where we go from mens' melody to men's 4-part harmony. Very fun stuff. Chills both up and down the spine at times. And our director is the funniest lady.


Frisbee to the head was experienced by both myself and Billy. I still have a tender spot on my head, but it was worth the laughs. Cory threw one to (at) Billy that hit him in the face.


Has anyone seen my Ring? It's named Andy Kong Meets The Garunge Band. Dumb, dumb laws. Did you know it's illegal to play on busy interstates in Hawaii if you are under the age of 12? And Billy's frisbee to the eye. That was also funny.

song of the day: Perpetual Motion by Bela Flek

book of the day: A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

event of the day: school

cool thing of the while ago: finding out how to circumvent macrovision detection on my PVP

not cool thing of the day: stick-key situation (got an email saying that the key I got for the new lab probably won't work since two other people hava had problems with theirs) :(
Dave said we'd play frisbee, but I'd taken mine out of my pack for Cory's party, so not today.

danish song of the day: Smuk som et Stjerneskud by brdr. Olsen

the first verse and chorus, thus:

I den varme nat
Fyldt med drømme nat
Lykken varer evigt
Lyser månen op,
På en kvindekrop, jah,
Og hendes smukke ansigt.

Hun er bare min store kærlighed,
Der bli’r større, der bli’r ved og ved.

Smuk som et stjerneskud,
Som tiden går,
Smukkere ser hun ud,
År efter år.

Also, I think U2's Beautiful Day lyrics will work well for a montage-style slideshow. Mmm. I dig my garden. The plums on our plum tree are all ripe and it smells wonderful to walk past it. The mint outside my window is going to seed but is still fragrant. When I used to leave my window open it would make my whole room smell like mint - great stuff, that. I think I'll plant it all over when I have a bit of ground to call my own. That and maybe some desert plants and ivy and a row each of 4 or 5 different kinds of berries. For now I have to put up with 4 or 5 different kinds of tomatoes in our garden. That can be good though, since we've been having BLTs quite a bit lately. "Except for a good MLT - Mutton, Lettuce, and Tomato, where the mutton is nice and lean. They're so perky." - Miracle Max


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