
Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Drenched and Happy 

That's what describes Lagoon today. O, what fun it was to ride and sing a coaster song. The last time I was at the park was for a business meeting for engineers where they just talked about the park and kind of showed us around a bit. None of the rides were going. The time before that was many years ago and about all I remember were the slats on the shutters of the second story windows of the haunted house that looked creepy and some kid in the park wearing the huge sunglasses that were popular back in the 80's - the kind that had black lenses that were about 4 inches across each and bright plastic yellow frames. So it was quite the adventure to ride all the rides for the first time.

The Cliffhanger left us hanging for a minute, after which the ride operator restarted it from the first, giving us 1.5 times the thrills and 5 times the water. That on top of the soaking we got from Rattlesnake Rapids. Good times good times.

I definitely liked the rollercoasters. We did Colossus twice and it was a blast both times. The Rocket is a rush, the Spider is super, and the Samurai is the same. So are the Space Scrambler and the Screamer. At any rate, I'll cease attempting to let my insufficient vocabulary depict (mmm... my awesome sister just handed me an ice cream cone she got at work) how enjoyable it was and contain myself to simple description of what happened. I had Experimental Film stuck in my head again throughout the day. Catchy tune.

[Side note: After crawling with the Sea Quail prototype through the sand dunes a couple times and then leaving my cell phone in my pocket through a bunch of rides, I managed to get quite a bit of sand on and into the thing. I'll try vaccuuming it out and hope it still works. Also, this is my 150th post. 200th post on the Band Blog coming up soon.]

After we had ridden the Colossus again to try to dry off, as well as the Screamer, we went to the fountain to meet Kathryn and Ky. They had Matthew with, who thoroughly enjoyed the Carousel. Cute kid. He's learning sign language and last night, as I was dining on a sandwich he kept making his own little Matthew version of the signs for "bread" and "please". I'd give him a piece of the bread and then help him make the sign for "thank you". After we watched him ride Bulgy the Whale and the Merry-Go-Round we took one more flight on The Rocket, then called it a day. And what a day. The only down side was not enough sleep kept trying to catch up with me.

After I got home I placed the closest thing I have to an exoskeleton out to dry and took on a new one. I had dinner, then drove my grandmother home and sat and talked with her for a while. She had me pick some grapes from yer yard to take home to my family, and insisted that I also take some cookies. After the sunset faded I walked the half-mile from her house to ours in my flip-flops, with the wind styling my hair and Victor Wooten laying out the sweet strains of A Show of Hands.

Just sitting here I can close my eyes and still feel like I'm on the rides. Kind of like going on a long hike or flight and then laying in bed at the end of the day and feeling like you're still hiking or flying for the few seconds before sleep takes you. And speaking of flying, it's fun when on a coaster or a ride like FreeStyle or the Samurai to pretend the ride isn't there and that you're just flying around like the Man of Steel or the Pan. Makes me wonder if those kind of people are subject to the same inertia that the rest of us are.

Time to see if I can grab 39 or 40 winks before people start calling me and asking for my help. People like the guy Monday evening who was appreciative make the job survivable. Again, I ramble. I'll post and be done for now. Fair enough?

"But everybody wants a rock to wind a piece of string around."
- We Want a Rock by They Might Be Giants

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