
Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Down two four 

First off, a very happy Birthday Eve to Cory. We decided to call Kory Baja Kory so as to avoid confusion. So now we have Super, Ultimate, and Baja. And Diego. But his name is another story entirely.

Today I uploaded some more of my pictures to the bucket and added a bit to the post. I also replaced one of my car's headlights. 42nd Street is a good sandwich. No running today. That was also good. The stick is a nice place. Why do frontside USB ports often have issues that backplane ones don't? Now we only have a single Mike on bass. I think we'll do Rogue Squadron t-shirts for bassline this year. I mean, when the drum major tells us to stand by there's scarce anything else we could go with. Maybe the other sections will have gold wing and blue wing shirts. It's Candyland. Definitely. And it's fast. I must admit that I enjoy obfuscation and inside jokes, even when I'm the only one that's in on them. This being my forum, I feel obligated and privileged to write such things here. As for the talking band hall, Ben and Jeff made it poignantly clear that that place was germane to such talk with their many past posts.

I saw Dave at the Grande Opening for the stick on Monday and he said I should ask him about doing a special project for the web class I'm taking from him. After finally getting my schedule to work out, it looks like I'll be taking that, plus Fry's OS class, and another one that WSU's DNS-error web sight can't remind me what it is, plus music. He asked why I wasn't working for CS, but then I'd have to actually do something when I went to work and might not have time for homework. I think I'm really going to like my schedule this semester. I was able to rearrange it so I have a lunch break before band, which will prevent me from dying. I also have several hours after band and before work in which I can run errands, relax in the band hall, take a nap, do homework, just sit and think, or go visit my family who no longer reside at my place of residence. And I get to close at the stick, which should be interesting. I saw they left the speakers up. I'm not sure if they just haven't gotten around to taking them down, or if they will remain up as a PA system. That would be nice if the "last call" anouncement was prerecorded and given by a timed automated system instead of one of those funny, fallible humans.

No, I do NOT shave my legs. But hopefully band camp will help me tan them. They seem to resist the sun's efforts to darken them, remaining a pasty white long after my face and arms acquire a bronze. Yesterday my dad asked what I was typing and I had to explain all about my blog. A blog is really what you make it, so describing blogging in general can only ever be an aproximation; you really have to read a blog and blog personally to get a feel for them. Even this one is less public than a mere BBS ever was. But whatever. Now I'm just rambling. (Did you expect anything else?)

Mrs. Commanderson teaches pre-K? That was very, very funny. And Thomas makes the scene for the first time. Go easter eggs. And speaking of...

Finally - a screensaver I won't get bored with after a while. Usually I have to change my screensaver every once in a whiles since XP only comes with a few and they lose their novelty quickly. But sticking the slideshow saver on my Hof picture album... well, you can imagine that I don't often see the same picture.

music of the day: Push

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