
Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Notes from Best Practices for Developing with AS3 

Tuesday AM General Session 

Adobe Thermo looks very handy. It's basically a way to do rapid layout and skinning of your flex app without ever going into Flex Builder. While you can look at the code, it's mainly focused on look/feel. You can take a well-structured app comp psd and import it into Thermo, then select layers and objects and convert them to Flex components. You can then use dialogs to manage movement, animation, transparency, etc. You can create design-time sample data sets and actually run the compiled flex app to test - again, without ever opening Flex Builder. Select a set of images and turn them into a list. Take a picture of a slider and turn it into one, then bind it to the list component's onscreen position properties. Pretty sweet.

M followed by 1-14 to vote for the 2007 MAX Awards

Monday, October 01, 2007

More Pics 

Periodic Table

Adobe Word Processor



Through the Looking Glass


Notes from Mon 11:30 am 

Hands On: Deploying Flex and HTML/JavaScript Applications to Adobe Integrated Runtime

ADT - AIR Dev Tool

<script src="lib/air/servicemonitor.swf" type="application/z-shockwave-flash">
part of the AIR SDK that gives you access to the library in the swf which will allow you to detect whether the AIR app is online or offline (connected/not)

MAXed Out 

I figure if I go to a conference hosted by a major tech company I really should live blog it, or what good is going?

Some pics here in a sec, if the wireless will pick up a bit. It was a bit slow but working at least... but now it's a bit dead.

Ah, here we go:
After Breakfast

A few notes, as well:

The bottom line is keeping the customer engaged and happy.

Less is (still) More

Create Experiences, not UI

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